Team ID / App ID mismatch

I use Xcode version 9, and use automatic signing. In Xcode I have two team accounts;

- <my name> which I use

- <my name (Personal Team)>' which has no matching provisioning profile

For my app's Signing Certificate, Xcode says:

- iPhone Developer: <my name> (<team id>)

In my developer account, App IDs says for my single app:

- prefix: <prefix>

As I understand, <team id> and <prefix> must match. However, this is NOT the case.

Any help is appreciated!

Answered by KMT in 268050022

If you used the same apple ID for both, you may need to contact Apple directly and ask if they can untangle - which may involve creating and attaching a new/unique separate Apple ID for the paid account, but they will decide, I think.

Use the 'Contact Us' tree via iTunes Connect to reach out.

Good luck.

Did you use free provisioning in the past?

Not sure I understand the issue, exactly, but try turning auto code signing off then back on for that project.

Also, go to Keychain Access and check your dev certs there - remove any that are expired.

Team ID / App ID mismatch