Can't delete App Id from a deleted App

Hello guys!

I was developing an app in my account and then I deleted the app from Itunes connect. Now I'm trying to delete the app id from indentifiers scetion but I can't. I got this error:

The App ID 'xxxxxxxxxx' appears to be in use by the App Store, so it can not be removed at this time.

But I deleted the app 5 minutes after I submitted to the store.

I need to use this ID in another account, what can I do?

Thank you!

This is ridiculous.

Facing the same issue. Why hasn't Apple fixed this yet?!

same problem. i think it cannot be deleted once used. its a bug. Apple is apple..

It's not an issue with App Store Connect but with XCode.

Go to ~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles and remove the mobileprovisioning file that is linked to your Bundle ID.

This step has to be done actually by all the other team members who installed the profile on XCode.

sample problem.

Same problem

Apple support helped me with a workaround:

  • Create a new throwaway bundle ID
  • Restore your deleted app and refresh the page, then change the bundle ID to the throwaway bundle ID
  • Delete the app again, and you should be able to remove the original identifier that you wanted to remove

NOTE: you should still revoke all the original provisioning profile.

Same Problem

Same here

Same here

Same here ! Please FIX

Same problem

Same problem, inconvenience...Should be fixed it.

Same problem. Apple, don't be Google!

Same problem

Same problem. I have an app that was never published and I need to transfer the ID to another account. However, I can't tranfer because the app is not published and can't delete the App ID because it is "in use".

I recently messaged apple support regarding this issue and they recommended that I should restore the app that had the bundle that I want to reuse, assign it another bundle and then go to the developer portal and delete it from that account. This way I can switch to the new account that I want to add this bundle id and register the certificate with the same name.

These are the steps that I followed:

  • Restore the app that you want to remove from your current appstoreconnect account
  • Find your recently restored app in the dashboard, go to General > App Information, and assign a new bundle id to your app - anything that is not the one you want to delete
  • Go to the developer portal and then under Certificates, Identifiers and Profiles > Identifiers, locate and delete the certificate
  • Now, if you go to the other account in the developer portal, you will be able to create a new certificate with the same name as the certificate you just deleted!
  • Lastly you just need to go back to the appstoreconnect, and then create the app with the bundle id from the newly created certificate.

Same problem (yet Apple refuses to fix this)

Hello, please note that even when an app is removed from App Store Connect or the App Store the bundle ID cannot not be deleted from the Certificates, Identifiers and Profiles area of the Apple Developer Website. Additionally, when an app is removed the bundle ID cannot be reused as described in our documentation:

I have the same issue. My app is only in Testflight and hasn't been published to the AppStore ever. So I cannot use the "Transfer App" feature. On the other hand I cannot delete the app id and I am stuck. I have to basically use a new app id which leads to many other changes because the bundle id is used in many many places - third party sdks, dashboards, backend services etc.... this is very very bad.

Same problem with me

Same problem Apple, please fix this issue. There are so many developers dealing with this.

same problem,can apple fix this? lj apple

The longest bug I've ever seen, 14 years! And it seems that will be there forever, at least change the message lazy boys...

Same problem...

Can't delete App Id from a deleted App