Universal links on redirection

I know that universal links were not working on redirection prior to some of the recent ios 11 version. I mean the following use case:

1) having app that handles domain: "www.testdomain.com" universally.

2) user clicks email tracking link (i.e. "http://tracking.com/someparameter") -> safari is opened.

3) tracking page is the auto-redirected into universally supported link: "www.testdomain.com/somepage".

But it seems like with one of the latest iOS update, universal links are now working on redirect.

I could not find any official docs around universal links on redirect, so is it how universal links behave? If so, since what version is that enabled?

Thank you,


I am also looking for an answer on this. The only response from Apple I could find regarding redirects was from almost 2 years ago, saying universal links and redirects are not supported: https://forums.developer.apple.com/thread/26760

However, after step 3 that Alexey posted, the mobile app opens after a redirect.

Hi is there any way i can bypass httpValidation ?
rignt now i am storing apple-app-site-association file on .well-known subdirectory but i belive i cannot access my file due to http validation .

Universal Links do work with redirects for links tapped in an app like the Notes app. If your link, let's say https://example.com/foo, is not a Universal Link but redirects to one and is opened from the Notes app, the user would be routed through Safari first (as in, they can see the Safari redirection occurring). When the links stop redirecting, if the final link is a universal link, then the user will be taken to the app. Redirection is not supported when hosting the AASA file. For example, you cannot host the AASA at https://example.com/.well-known/apple-app-site-association and redirect to also serve it at https://www.example.com/.well-known/apple-app-site-association.

Universal links on redirection