Unable to accept testflight invitation

I've been trying to accept the TestFlight invitation as an internal user but each time the TestFlight application says: The invitation is invalid. Try again. If the problem persists, contact the inviter.

There does not seem to be way to resend the invitation, I tried to disable me as a tester and re-enable it but that did not make a difference.

Only option is to delete the user but I am afraid that if I delete my users from our main system account it will also kill everying else that is linked to me. How can I resend the invitation?

There seems to be a bug currently, where it seems no emails at all gets send from TestFlight.

There is no Resend functionallity, to my knowledge, at this point so that's not a bug - it's just not there.

So right now, no emails will be send from TestFlight...not even if you add a new users or anything.

50% of my emails are going out a day late.

Otehrs are reciving this notification. "The invitation is invalid. Try again. If the problem persists, contact the inviter."

Apple absolutly ruined a great TestFlight product.

Seems like Apple fixed the bug this morning, I get emails now (a lot) from the entire weekend 🙂

I guess the reason your testers are getting "invalid" emails, could be because the emails got delayed and a new version might got out in the meantime?

I need TestFlight code please

I have this exact same problem at the moment. It can't just be a bug that's been around for years! Did anyone find a solution?

Unable to accept testflight invitation