Decrypt APFS Volume using recovery keychain

diskutil is still missing a way to decrypot a drive using an institutional recovery keychain. It looks like the command wil be added later.

Old method:

     diskutil cs revert xxxxxxxx-
-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx -recoveryKeychain /Volumes/Untitled/FileVaultMaster.keychain

Assumed new:

diskutil APFS decryptVolume

-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx -recoveryKeychain /Volumes/Untitled/FileVaultMaster.keychain

As of 10.13.3 beta there is no -recoverykeychain in the decryptvolume action. Is this planned> Is there a work around?

unlockVolume | unlock volumeDevice [-user disk | -user

cryptoUserUUID | -recoverykeychain file]

[-passphrase passphrase] | [-stdinpassphrase]

[-nomount | -mountpoint mountpoint] [-verify]


decryptVolume volumeDevice [-user disk |

existingCryptoUserUUID] [-passphrase

existingPassphrase | -stdinpassphrase]

Decrypt APFS Volume using recovery keychain