Is there a way to know the share/trend between objective-c and swift? Is Apple release any statistics like the number of apps developed using objective c and swift?
Objective C vs Swift statistics
I'm unaware of any official stats made public. This is good news to me, because a release of such statistics seems like a good way to increase developer anxiety, depending on which language is "winning" and would likely start fights. Plus, I bet there is a lot of projects that probably mix ObjC and Swift.
I don't see where Apple publishes a related stat (and agree w/MMRS). Keep in mind, anecdotally most devs are starting all-new projects in Swift, while using Obj-C to maintain existing apps.
The very latest TIOBE index is here: h ttps://
Swift #12 & Obj-C #16 - Note Swift passed Obj-C sometime last year.
Is there a way to know the share/trend between objective-c and swift?
I don’t have any concrete info to offer here, but I would like to ask why this matters to you. Is this just idle curiosity? Or are you planning to make some business decision based on that info?
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