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A little trick
I had a problem that my app did not work outside Xcode (had to include the metalkit.framework I found a simple trick to get my NSLog outputs and locate the issue: NSURL *downloadsDirectory = [[[NSFileManager defaultManager] URLsForDirectory:NSDownloadsDirectory inDomains:NSUserDomainMask] firstObject]; NSURL *fileURL = [downloadsDirectory URLByAppendingPathComponent:@"Log.txt"]; NSString *filePath = [fileURL path]; // Redirect stderr to the file freopen([filePath fileSystemRepresentation], "a+", stderr); Now you get debug info in your Download folder!
gfortran error
I am getting an following error while compiling the Fortran file with "gfortran TEST_1_fortran_only_fixed.f" ld: unsupported tapi file type '!tapi-tbd' in YAML file '/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX14.sdk/usr/lib/libSystem.tbd' for architecture x86_64 collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status Please help me to solve this issue
Create code at runtime on iOS: possible any more?
I'm the developer of 8th (https://8th-dev.com), which compiles the program at run-time, on the device. There used to be an iOS version which worked, but it seems things have changed since then. I'm trying to distribute an iOS version of an app written in 8th, and am encountering "SIGKILL - CODESIGNING" when trying to execute freshly compiled code. I am doing the 'sys_icache_invalidate' thing after writing into a mmap'ed bit of memory (rwx). I'm not writing into memory that was codesigned, so I don't know why the error is that. Anyway, the question is: is it possible any more to do what I used to be able to do?
Exclude C runtime library from linking?
Hi, I am writing my own little toy programming language and when I try to link the binary object file (.o file) it requires a _main symbol. I wonder if there is a way to exclude this, presumably, a C runtime requirement? Is it safe to provide a stub _main symbol, or provide a the _main as the entry point to my own little runtime? What is the correct way to invoke the linker with the appropriate flags?
dateFromString results in nil
In a completely new project using Objective-C, when using "NSDateFormatter" under the conditions mentioned, setting initWithLocaleIdentifier to "NSCalendarIdentifierGregorian" results in "dateFromString" returning nil. This issue is occurring specifically in iOS 18 beta 1 and 2, and it's causing me significant trouble. This process works correctly on iOS 17 and earlier versions. NSDateFormatter *formatter = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init]; [formatter setTimeStyle:NSDateFormatterFullStyle]; [formatter setLocale:[[NSLocale alloc] initWithLocaleIdentifier:NSCalendarIdentifierGregorian]]; [formatter setDateFormat:formatStr]; NSDate *date = [formatter dateFromString:formatStr]; "date" is nil.
dyld[11387]: Library not loaded: @loader_path/../../../../opt/icu4c/lib/libicuio.73.dylib
When I Run Php Artisan Command in PhpStorm Laravel Project The below results show in the terminal. dyld[11387]: Library not loaded: @loader_path/../../../../opt/icu4c/lib/libicuio.73.dylib Referenced from: <27B43AEF-470B-32CD-9521-AA834300394F> /usr/local/Cellar/php/8.2.10/bin/php Reason: tried: '/usr/local/Cellar/php/8.2.10/bin/../../../../opt/icu4c/lib/libicuio.73.dylib' (no such file), '/usr/local/lib/libicuio.73.dylib' (no such file), '/usr/lib/libicuio.73.dylib' (no such file, not in dyld cache) zsh: abort php artisan
Starting to programm for iOS or iPadOS devices.
For many years, I programmed for Windows desktops (Visual Basic and C# on Microsoft Visual Studio). What is a good way to start progrmming for an iOS or iPadOS device. What programming apps can you recommend and what books or courses can I get (online or otherwise) to start with? Can I make code with Microsoft Visual Studio or do I need specific programming tools for writing code? Thank you for your help. Michel
Jun ’24
Problems with c++ library on iOS arm64e device
Compiler: XCode12/13/14 Tested On: iPhoneXS+iOS15.4 / iPhone11+iOS16.5 I tried to compile following code with arch=arm64e and run, it crashed with EXC_BAD_ACCESS at 'LDRAA', seems occur when trying to access c++ v-table. And this bug will not occur in following conditions. c++ I/O api is easy to trigger the bug. compile with arch=arm64 and run on arm64e device compile with arch=arm64e and run on arm64e device with iOS<=14 #include <fstream> #include <stringstream> int main(int argc, char** argv) { std::ifstream MyReadFile("/System/Library/CoreServices/SystemVersion.plist"); // crash1 std::stringstream stream; stream << std::hex << 0; // crash2 } I also tried c++11/14/17/20, it makes no difference.
Jun ’24
Memory leak with [NSMutableData appendData:]
Instruments reveals that the following simple code leaks memory on each delegate invoke: - (void)start { [_urlSession dataTaskWithURL:_url]; } - (void)URLSession:(NSURLSession *)session dataTask:(NSURLSessionDataTask *)dataTask didReceiveData:(NSData *)data { [_data appendData:data]; } I don't have any clue on this leak, it should not happen. What should I do to avoid this?
Apr ’24
Failed to install the app on the device, with error code 3002 & 3000, Domain: com.apple.dt.CoreDeviceError on Xcode 15.3
Domain: com.apple.dt.CoreDeviceError Code: 3002 User Info: { DVTErrorCreationDateKey = "2024-04-12 13:00:55 +0000"; IDERunOperationFailingWorker = IDEInstallCoreDeviceWorker; NSURL = "file:///Users/Username/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/project-dwlcjztonmnjygafwwnxdjtbzkwe/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/target.app/"; } -- Failed to install the app on the device. Domain: com.apple.dt.CoreDeviceError Code: 3002 User Info: { IDERunOperationFailingWorker = IDEInstallCoreDeviceWorker; NSURL = "file:///Users/Username/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/project-dwlcjztonmnjygafwwnxdjtbzkwe/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/target.app/"; } -- The item at target.app is not a valid bundle. Domain: com.apple.dt.CoreDeviceError Code: 3000 Failure Reason: The path to the provided bundle's main executable could not be determined. Recovery Suggestion: Ensure that your bundle's Info.plist contains a value for the key CFBundleExecutable. User Info: { NSURL = "file:///Users/Username/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/project-dwlcjztonmnjygafwwnxdjtbzkwe/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/target.app/"; ProvidedBundle = "file:///Users/Username/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/project-dwlcjztonmnjygafwwnxdjtbzkwe/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/target.app/"; } -- Event Metadata: com.apple.dt.IDERunOperationWorkerFinished : { "device_isCoreDevice" = 1; "device_model" = "iPhone12,1"; "device_osBuild" = "17.4.1 (21E236)"; "device_platform" = "com.apple.platform.iphoneos"; "dvt_coredevice_version" = "355.24"; "dvt_mobiledevice_version" = "1643.100.58"; "launchSession_schemeCommand" = Run; "launchSession_state" = 1; "launchSession_targetArch" = arm64; "operation_duration_ms" = 2486; "operation_errorCode" = 3000; "operation_errorDomain" = "com.apple.dt.CoreDeviceError.3002.com.apple.dt.CoreDeviceError"; "operation_errorWorker" = IDEInstallCoreDeviceWorker; "operation_name" = IDERunOperationWorkerGroup; "param_debugger_attachToExtensions" = 0; "param_debugger_attachToXPC" = 1; "param_debugger_type" = 3; "param_destination_isProxy" = 0; "param_destination_platform" = "com.apple.platform.iphoneos"; "param_diag_MainThreadChecker_stopOnIssue" = 0; "param_diag_MallocStackLogging_enableDuringAttach" = 0; "param_diag_MallocStackLogging_enableForXPC" = 1; "param_diag_allowLocationSimulation" = 1; "param_diag_checker_tpc_enable" = 1; "param_diag_gpu_frameCapture_enable" = 0; "param_diag_gpu_shaderValidation_enable" = 0; "param_diag_gpu_validation_enable" = 0; "param_diag_memoryGraphOnResourceException" = 0; "param_diag_queueDebugging_enable" = 1; "param_diag_runtimeProfile_generate" = 0; "param_diag_sanitizer_asan_enable" = 0; "param_diag_sanitizer_tsan_enable" = 0; "param_diag_sanitizer_tsan_stopOnIssue" = 0; "param_diag_sanitizer_ubsan_stopOnIssue" = 0; "param_diag_showNonLocalizedStrings" = 0; "param_diag_viewDebugging_enabled" = 1; "param_diag_viewDebugging_insertDylibOnLaunch" = 1; "param_install_style" = 0; "param_launcher_UID" = 2; "param_launcher_allowDeviceSensorReplayData" = 0; "param_launcher_kind" = 0; "param_launcher_style" = 99; "param_launcher_substyle" = 8192; "param_runnable_appExtensionHostRunMode" = 0; "param_runnable_productType" = "com.apple.product-type.application"; "param_structuredConsoleMode" = 1; "par[tag:am_testing_launchedForTesting" = 0; "param_testing_suppressSimulatorApp" = 0; "param_testing_usingCLI" = 0; "sdk_canonicalName" = "iphoneos17.4"; "sdk_osVersion" = "17.4"; "sdk_variant" = iphoneos; } System Information macOS Version 14.4.1 (Build 23E224) Xcode 15.3 (22618) (Build 15E204a) Timestamp: 2024-04-12T18:30:55+05:30 The project is running on the simulator properly with no errors. But while running on the real device (the iPhone), the build is successful but getting the mentioned issue. Also, while creating the.ipa file, we are getting the error mentioned below. I have tried following thing to resolve the issue but nothing is worked. Clean project and try to run the app on the real device. Disconnect iPhone from Mac On iPhone: Settings &gt; Developer &gt; Clear Trusted Computers Uninstall the application Reconnect iPhone to Mac In Xcode Window &gt; Devices &amp; Simulators You should see your device in the left sidebar Re-pair the device In the project Target -&gt; Build Settings search for: search for Excluded Architectures add arm64 there. Change the archive destination directory to a location on the local SSD (and not an external HDD). Go to settings &gt;&gt; Select Privacy &amp; Security &gt;&gt; Turn developer mode off if on &gt;&gt; Turn developer mode back on an follow instrctions &gt;&gt; The run your app on xcode ` Please help me find the solution. Thank you in advance.
Apr ’24
Help in interpreting crash reports
Hello, I have received 3 almost identical crash reports from the App Store. They all come from the same user, and they are spaced just ± 45 seconds apart. This is the backtrace of the crashed thread: Crashed Thread: 3 Exception Type: EXC_CRASH (SIGABRT) Exception Codes: 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000 Termination Reason: Namespace SIGNAL, Code 6 Abort trap: 6 Terminating Process: Ssssssss [46033] Thread 3 Crashed: 0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x00007ff81b90f196 __pthread_kill + 10 1 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x00007ff81b946ee6 pthread_kill + 263 (pthread.c:1670) 2 libsystem_c.dylib 0x00007ff81b86dbdf __abort + 139 (abort.c:155) 3 libsystem_c.dylib 0x00007ff81b86db54 abort + 138 (abort.c:126) 4 libc++abi.dylib 0x00007ff81b901282 abort_message + 241 5 libc++abi.dylib 0x00007ff81b8f33fb demangling_terminate_handler() + 267 6 libobjc.A.dylib 0x00007ff81b5c67ca _objc_terminate() + 96 (objc-exception.mm:498) 7 libc++abi.dylib 0x00007ff81b9006db std::__terminate(void (*)()) + 6 8 libc++abi.dylib 0x00007ff81b900696 std::terminate() + 54 9 libdispatch.dylib 0x00007ff81b7a6047 _dispatch_client_callout + 28 (object.m:563) 10 libdispatch.dylib 0x00007ff81b7a87c4 _dispatch_queue_override_invoke + 800 (queue.c:4882) 11 libdispatch.dylib 0x00007ff81b7b5fa2 _dispatch_root_queue_drain + 343 (queue.c:7051) 12 libdispatch.dylib 0x00007ff81b7b6768 _dispatch_worker_thread2 + 170 (queue.c:7119) 13 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x00007ff81b943c0f _pthread_wqthread + 257 (pthread.c:2631) 14 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x00007ff81b942bbf start_wqthread + 15 (:-1) In the backtrace of the main thread, I can see that the error is caught by the app delegate which tries to display an alert, but obviously the message has no time to appear. Incidentally (but it's not my main question), I would like to know if it would be possible in such a case to block the background thread for the time the alert is displayed (e.g. using a dispatch queue)? ... (many other related lines) 72 SSUuuuIIIIIIIIIUUuuuu 0x000000010e8089f2 +[NSAlert(Ssssssss) fatalError:] + 32 73 Ssssssss 0x000000010dd5e75b __universalExceptionHandler_block_invoke (in Ssssssss) (SQAppDelegate.m:421) + 333659 74 libdispatch.dylib 0x00007ff81b7a4d91 _dispatch_call_block_and_release + 12 (init.c:1518) 75 libdispatch.dylib 0x00007ff81b7a6033 _dispatch_client_callout + 8 (object.m:560) 76 libdispatch.dylib 0x00007ff81b7b2fcf _dispatch_main_queue_drain + 954 (queue.c:7794) 77 libdispatch.dylib 0x00007ff81b7b2c07 _dispatch_main_queue_callback_4CF + 31 (queue.c:7954) 78 CoreFoundation 0x00007ff81ba62195 __CFRUNLOOP_IS_SERVICING_THE_MAIN_DISPATCH_QUEUE__ + 9 (CFRunLoop.c:1780) 79 CoreFoundation 0x00007ff81ba21ebf __CFRunLoopRun + 2452 (CFRunLoop.c:3147) 80 CoreFoundation 0x00007ff81ba20ec1 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 560 (CFRunLoop.c:3418) 81 HIToolbox 0x00007ff8254a5f3d RunCurrentEventLoopInMode + 292 (EventLoop.c:455) 82 HIToolbox 0x00007ff8254a5d4e ReceiveNextEventCommon + 657 (EventBlocking.c:384) 83 HIToolbox 0x00007ff8254a5aa8 _BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInModeWithFilter + 64 (EventBlocking.c:171) 84 AppKit 0x00007ff81eabfb18 _DPSNextEvent + 858 (CGDPSReplacement.m:818) 85 AppKit 0x00007ff81eabe9c2 -[NSApplication(NSEvent) _nextEventMatchingEventMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 1214 (appEventRouting.m:407) 86 AppKit 0x00007ff81eab1037 -[NSApplication run] + 586 (NSApplication.m:3432) 87 AppKit 0x00007ff81ea85251 NSApplicationMain + 817 (NSApplication.m:9427) 88 dyld 0x00007ff81b5ec41f start + 1903 (dyldMain.cpp:1165) In all 3 reports, another thread indicates that it is sending or receiving a MIDI data (it's exactly the same backtrace in the 3 reports): Thread 1: 0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x00007ff81b908552 mach_msg2_trap + 10 1 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x00007ff81b9166cd mach_msg2_internal + 78 (mach_msg.c:201) 2 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x00007ff81b90f584 mach_msg_overwrite + 692 (mach_msg.c:0) 3 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x00007ff81b90883a mach_msg + 19 (mach_msg.c:323) 4 CoreMIDI 0x00007ff834adfd50 XServerMachPort::ReceiveMessage(int&amp;, void*, int&amp;) + 94 (XMachPort.cpp:62) 5 CoreMIDI 0x00007ff834b118c5 MIDIProcess::MIDIInPortThread::Run() + 105 (MIDIClientLib.cpp:204) 6 CoreMIDI 0x00007ff834af9c44 CADeprecated::XThread::RunHelper(void*) + 10 (XThread.cpp:21) 7 CoreMIDI 0x00007ff834afae9f CADeprecated::CAPThread::Entry(CADeprecated::CAPThread*) + 77 (CAPThread.cpp:324) 8 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x00007ff81b9471d3 _pthread_start + 125 (pthread.c:893) 9 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x00007ff81b942bd3 thread_start + 15 (:-1) I wonder if this MIDI activity may be related to the crash, even if it doesn't occur in the crashed thread. I also wonder if the dispatch block starting the backtrace of the thread 3 is the same that leads to the thread 1 (to open the NSAlert), which would mean that it's after the error, or if it's a dispatch block into which the error occurs. Finally, 2024-03-25_13-04-40.6314.crash I wonder if std::terminate() could indicate a problem in C++ codes because I have some part of the application written in C++, and it would be a clue. More generally, is it something in these backtraces that can help me to find what's the problem ? Any help greatly appreciated, thanks! -dp
Apr ’24
How to read a CMVideoDimensions structure with Objective C code?
I am new to Objective C and relatively new to iOS development. I have an AVCaptureDevice object at hand and would like to print the maximum supported photo dimensions as provided by activeFormat.supportedMaxPhotoDimensions, using Objective C. I tried the following: for (NSValue *obj in device.activeFormat.supportedMaxPhotoDimensions) { CMVideoDimensions *vd = (__bridge CMVideoDimensions *)obj; NSString *s = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"res=%d:%d", vd->width, vd->height]; //print that string } If I run this code, I get: res=314830880:24994 This is way too high, and there is obviously something I am doing wrong, but I don't know what it could be. According to the information I see on the developer forum, I should get something closer to 4000:3000. I can successfully read device.activeFormat.videoFieldOfView and other fields, so I believe my code is sound overall.
Feb ’24
"zero length data" error
I had a customer feedback about a "zero length data" error which was captured using an exception handler and displayed using NSAlert. My app employs [NSURLSession dataTaskWithURL:] to download XML and image data. But I got no idea what it is about. I assume it's related to NSData, but this error never happened before (for years). Does anyone have any idea about the source of this error?
Feb ’24