Invalid App Store Icon, can't be transparent nor contain an alpha channel.

I am working with Xcode 9.2

I got this error message :

"Invalid App Store Icon. The App Store Icon in the asset catalog in '' can't be transparent nor contain an alpha channel."

when "validating" the app before it can be uploaded to iTunes.

Yes my Icons are transparent and have alpha chanel.

This was always coorect when working with Xcode 8 on the update before in 2014.

Did it change in Xcode 9? or did any thing esle change?

Do I have to re-design all app icons?

You've never been able to create transparent icons or use alpha channels - all icons must be 100% opaque. It's likely you're receiving this error because you have rounded the edges of your icon, resulting in transparent edges. Icons are automatically rounded. If this isn't the case then simply make the transparents areas opaque.

>Yes my Icons are transparent and have alpha chanel.

From the docs:

"Note: All icon images must be in PNG format. Icon images may include an alpha channel but should not include any transparent regions."

However, this is about the store icon, _not_ all of your 'icons', as you mentioned. I would start by stripping both from it, but....that error might be due to something else, entirely. See

Invalid App Store Icon, can't be transparent nor contain an alpha channel.