HomeKit iOS uploads broken

Getting the following error since Friday night when uploading builds. Yes, our app uses HomeKit of course, and we've had no issues until lastnight. Now continuing into this morning it seems that all HomeKit entitlements are incorrectly blocked. Anyone else seeing this?

iTunes Store Operation Failed

ERROR ITMS-90045: "Invalid Code Signing Entitlements. Your application bundle's signature contains code signing entitlements that are not supported on iOS. Specifically, key 'com.apple.developer.homekit' in 'Payload/MyApp.app/MyApp' is not supported."

This is a production app and we've used this entitlement for ages, so it seems some major regression has occurred in the app submission system. It was working properly earlier this week.

I just ran into the same issue, trying to upload my HomeKit-enabled app for the first time.

You guys just saved my life over here. I have been running into the same issue, and spents over 10+ hours troubleshooting it over the last few days here. I was about ready to punch my computer screen over here. I couldnt figure it out as nothing had changed majorly since my last upload. Thank you for speaking up about this. Apple, can we get an eta on a fix for this pretty please!!!!

Yes +1 here



Everyone in this thread should be pinging Apple directly, and not just +1'ng the forums. Use iTC's Contact Us tree, or call 'em up - numbers here.

Good luck.

Thanks for reporting this. Should be fixed now.

Verified as fixed. Thanks for the fast response.

HomeKit iOS uploads broken