Why do I get ?errorKey=ITC.signin.error.invalidUser when I login in to iTunes connect?


It also says:

Your Apple ID isn't enabled for iTunes Connect.

I have just paid for the apple developer program and I don't undertstand this.

Do you have this problems solved? I have the same problem 😟

This SO Thread should explain the problem.

please tell me any solution for this problem my mind blast with this error "?errorKey=ITC.signin.error.invalidUser site:developer.apple.com"and getting started page
I am also facing same problem from last 2 days

I've faced the same issue and the bizzare thing was the I'm the owner of the developer account. Yesterday I could access the itunes connect without issues but today I was getting an "Your Apple ID isn't enabled for iTunes Connect." message.

I've discovered that using the other URL for the developer program worked for me (Not sure if Apple changed something on their end or not). However this is the link that worked for me (only for developers):


Don't use the "iTunesConnect" one that OP used.

Alternatively go to Google and type "IDMSA APPLE" and click the first link and you can login from there too.

Hope that helps anyone.

This started hapening to several team members of ours recently. We have no clue about what caused it.

Struggling with this issue right now, any solution?

I have this issue right now ITC.signin.error.invalidUser.asc

Why do I get ?errorKey=ITC.signin.error.invalidUser when I login in to iTunes connect?