Replacing an existing app altogether


Hope someone here can give me some advice. I am working with a client who has an existing app in the market that isn’t performing quite as well as expected, and for several reasons this has led to the development of a totally new app that they want to roll out this year.

There are a few issues we are working through, but one particular that I wanted to get some answers/best practice advice on and was hoping someone here would be able to help.

They have an existing user base that we would want to migrate over to the new app over time, but we are not sure which is the best approach to reduce the number of users dropping off. We are looking at a comms plan to support the move, but one suggestion is that we just roll this out at an update to the app. Is that a viable option, or would it be easier to run 2 apps for a short period before making one redundant? I am sure there are some technical reasons why this may not be the best approach, so please let me know if so.

Any advice will be welcomed!


There is no store scheme for phased user migration. There is no simple lever to pull store-side that moves users from one distinct app to another.

Existing users will all be moved to a new version upon it's release when they update.

You haven't defined 'totally new' yet, so....

As well, you might want to mention which is your priority - keeping existing users, or shipping a 'totally new' app.

Replacing an existing app altogether