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Customizing screen..
I like that you can choose to tint all your apps, it looks great, but when I’m tinted the myfitnesspal widgets are blank. Just a white square. Kinda frustrating that I have to choose between looks or function..
Dec ’24
Apple Air Pods Upgrade!
Good evening. I have come up with this amazing and revolutionary idea that is going to change the ent world for the better. I’m a 23 year old Design Engineer from Greece and I would like to come to direct contact with the Apple Design Team, in order to discuss this project and the best case scenario, sell it to you. The foldable iPhone is not a good idea. Its not revolutionary and it’s going to leave a big black mark in Apple history. With my idea, the whole world will see again the greatness of the biggest company in history.
Dec ’24
drop-down box Bug
There is a display issue when browsing wireless networks in the dropdown menu. In iOS version 18.1.1, the Wi-Fi switch is in the closed state; Step 1: Open the notification dropdown, and the first image bug appears; It will take some time for it to display [normally.]
Dec ’24
18.2 Beta 22C151 email
Just updated to newest beta of 18.2. The update corrects several major email issues but now I am only able to pull sone of my emails when I open mail. after opening my mail on the 18.2 iPhone 15 pro max I am ablevto pull only 1 message from Xfinity. When I check on my pc using outlook 2016 I am able to pull 18 additional messages. Going back to my iPhone after a half hour the additional mail messages still do not show up even after doing a hard reset of the phone. apologies, but these mail issues need to be resolved. It is bothersome that ios 18 was even released to the public at all with these type of issues.
Dec ’24
SwiftData and #DEBUG with the canvas...
Hi all, Very new to this. Just getting into swift data, and am frustrated with the canvas not working with modelContainers in SwiftData. My understanding is that they work if inMemory = true, but not in the default case where data is persistent after an app is quit. Can anyone tell me if it is possible to conditionally create the modelContainer type based on a flag... If Bool:Canvas then inMemory = True, Else False... Then using this flag for all data models so my list views populate on the canvas, without having to run the simulator each time... I would assume you could also pre-populate the inMemory option if it is empty also... Or is there a simple and obvious solution that I am oblivious to. If it is possible, is it worth the time, hassle, and any possible issues?
Dec ’24
Give me my old Photos app back
Pleeease for the love of any and all things holy, I would really be eternally grateful if Apple decided to release an update that allows users to return to the old the photos app. Phones and technology are already overstimulating, and by making the photos app one continuous page it is emulating a social media app. The continuous page makes it much more overwhelming and confusing to find photos. Change and innovation is great! There are some changes that I enjoy from the ios 18 update, such as the little text enhancers that can emphasize certain words. However, the photos app was fine the way it was. If anything, Apple should allow the PAYING customers to choose how they would like their photos app (keeping the customizable option). also my battery which is normally super great is suddenly not as efficient…reminiscent of past devices I’ve had from Apple.
Dec ’24
Navigation Bar appears without having an Navigation View
For a school Project im making a iOS app that displays vending machines on a Map. My problem is that there is this huge navigation bar on top of the screen without even having a navigation view anywhere in the code. In the preview the bar is not shown, but when I upload the app to my phone or run it in the simulator the bar is there.
Dec ’24
Need Help with Guideline 4.2 - Minimum Functionality
I recently got feedback for my app under Guideline 4.2 - Design - Minimum Functionality, and I’m a bit confused. Apple mentioned that the app isn’t “app-like” enough and doesn’t provide sufficient entertainment value or utility. However, I genuinely think my app is unique compared to others on the market. Most similar apps only offer basic features like scorekeeping and saving the game. My app goes beyond that by tracking detailed statistics based on the types of scores achieved during the game. At the end, there’s even a Player Ratings section, which enhances competition and makes the experience more fun for players. Additionally, in today’s gaming scene, many groups play the traditional 101 game with a reward and penalty system. My app uniquely incorporates a reward system, something no other app in the market currently offers. I believe my app has the potential to stand out and meet the needs of a wide audience. Has anyone faced similar feedback? Or does anyone have suggestions on how I could better address this issue? Thanks in advance! 😊
Dec ’24
Picker list based on a selection from another Picker list
I have come quite far with my first app and have various picker lists working well. However, I am stuck thinking through how to do this next picker. My data model has Golf Course name and Tee. For each golf course there are multiple Tees and not all the same across the Courses. Example of Data CourseA RedTee CourseA GreenTee CourseA BlueTee CouseB RedTee CourseB YellowTee CourseB WhiteTee I first give the client the ability to Pick a Course from a picker list. That works fine. Now I want to create a Picker list of Tees but only for that selected Course. So if the client selected CourseB they would be presented with these Tees to select from RedTee YellowTee WhiteTee How do I limit the second picker to only show the Tees for the selected Course? Then in an associated question, once i have the Course and the Tee, I want to Auto fill the rest of a form with Slope, Rating and Yardage. @Model class ScorecardData { var scorecardcourseName: String var scorecardTee: String var scorecardSlope: Double var scorecardRating: Double var scorecardYardage: Int Here is my code for the Course Picker List Picker("", selection: $selectedCourse) { Text("Select a Course").tag(" ") ForEach(courses, id: \.self) { course in Text(course.courseName) .tag(course.courseName) } } .onChange(of: selectedCourse) { if(selectedCourse != nil) { roundsdata.roundscourseName = selectedCourse! } } Here is my current Picker list but its pulling all Tees for all Courses Picker("", selection: $selectedTee) { Text("Select Tee").tag(" ") ForEach (tees, id: \.self) { tee in Text(tee.scorecardTee) .tag(tee.scorecardTee) } } .onChange(of: selectedTee) { if(selectedTee != nil) { roundsdata.roundsTee = selectedTee! } } My @State and @Query statements are as follows in case there is a change there that is needed as well, @State private var selectedTee: String? = "Select Tee" @Query(sort: \ScorecardData.scorecardcourseName) private var tees: [ScorecardData] @State private var selectedCourse: String? = "Select Course" @Query(sort: \CourseData.courseName) private var courses: [CourseData]
Dec ’24
hate the new update
The new photos update is just messy, there was no reason to make changes to it, I also noticed it makes the videos lower quality for some reason. Also I sont understand why emojis were made bigger, looks very tacky now. I wish my phone never automatically updated to this..
Dec ’24
How to use FreePascal with my iMac 27” Intel
I would like to use FreePascal with my iMac 27” - late 2015 - CPU: 3.2 GHz Intel Core i5 quad-core - macOS Monterey 12.7.6. I can't figure out what I need to do to install XCode11 and how I can get the compiler to work. Can anyone help me? Thanks! Vorrei usare FreePascal con il mio iMac 27” - late 2015 - CPU: 3,2 GHz Intel Core i5 quad-core - macOS Monterey 12.7.6. Non riesco a capire cosa devo fare per installare XCode11 e come posso fare per far funzionare il compilatore. Qualcuno può aiutarmi? Grazie!
Dec ’24
Emoji Keyboard size is large after updating to iOS 18.1
Emoji keyboard are way too big after updating to IOS 18.1 so anoying to use emojis now. I really don't like using emojis anymore. I really hope they are going to fix this quickly. I use my phone for work and pleasure. I don't needing my heart to be bigger or different colors to every reaction. Please bring back the smaller emoji keyboard or add a setting to switch it back. This is really annoying.
Dec ’24
Idea for iOS 19
Hey! So tell me guys, in iOS 19, i think it would be a great idea to make a nostalgic mode or “old” mode of iOS! Like iOS 1, slide to unlock was really cool for me. It would change the icons, like with the YouTube app for example. If you had the app, it could change to the very old icon, and the app interface maybe can possibly change. This was all i had in mind, but if you wanna comment on here and give more ideas, feel free!
Nov ’24
Clarification on ATT Dialog and Displaying Ads in iOS App
Hello everyone, I have recently published my app on the App Store and am planning to implement ads. I have a couple of questions regarding Apple's App Tracking Transparency (ATT) framework and best practices for integrating ads. ATT Dialog and Showing Ads: If a user selects "Ask App Not to Track" on the ATT dialog, am I still allowed to show ads in my app? I understand that ATT restricts tracking for personalized ads, but does this mean I cannot show any ads at all, or is it just the personalized (targeted) ads that are restricted? Best Practices for Implementing Native Ads: I want to integrate native ads into my app. Could you share any best practices or guidelines for integrating native ads in a way that provides a good user experience and complies with Apple's policies? I’m especially interested in how to implement them in a non-intrusive way and what ad networks are best for this type of integration. Thanks for your help!
Nov ’24
NavigationStack Fatal error: ‘try!
I am struggling to get pickers work in a form. I add NavigationStack and get this error Fatal error: 'try!' expression unexpectedly raised an error: SwiftUI.AnyNavigationPath.Error.comparisonTypeMismatch I have tried most every format or picker setup as well as DatePicker and can’t seem to determine how to get the selected item in a picker list saved. running: Xcode 16.1 import SwiftUI import SwiftData struct RoundsEditView: View { @Bindable var roundsdata: RoundsData @Environment(.modelContext) private var modelContext // @Environment(.dismiss) var dismiss @State private var playDate = Date.now @State private var selectedTee = "Gold" let tees = ["Black", "Blue", "White", "Gold", "Red", "Silver"] @Query(sort: \PlayerData.playerHandle) private var players: [PlayerData] @State private var selectedHandle: PlayerData? = nil var body: some View { NavigationStack { Form { HStack { Text("Course:") TextField("Course Name", text: $roundsdata.roundscourseName) .textContentType(.name) } HStack { // DatePicker("Date:", selection: $playDate, in: ...Date(), DatePicker("Date:", selection: $playDate, displayedComponents: [.date]) // DatePicker("Date:", selection: $playDate, in: ...Date(), // displayedComponents: .date).onChange(of: playDate) { oldState, newState in model.youDidChangeMethod(from: oldState, to: newState) } Section { Picker("Handle:", selection: $selectedHandle) { Text("Select a Handle").tag(nil as PlayerData?) ForEach(players, id: \.self) { player in HStack { Text(player.playerHandle) .frame(maxWidth: .infinity, alignment: .leading) .tag(player as PlayerData?) } .frame(maxWidth: .infinity, alignment: .leading) .tag(player as PlayerData?) } } // .pickerStyle(.inline) this does not fix issue or design wise work } // HStack { // Text("Tee:") // TextField("Tee", text: $roundsdata.roundsTee) // .textContentType(.name) // } HStack { Picker("Tee:", selection: $selectedTee) { ForEach(tees, id: \.self) { Text($0) } } } HStack { Text("Handicap:") TextField("Handicap", value: $roundsdata.roundsHandicap, format: .number) .textContentType(.name) } HStack { Text("*****:") TextField("*****", value: $roundsdata.roundsGross, format: .number) } HStack { Text("Net:") TextField("Net", value: $roundsdata.roundsNet, format: .number) .textContentType(.name) } HStack { Text("Rating:") TextField("Rating", value: $roundsdata.roundsRating, format: .number) .textContentType(.name) } HStack { Text("Slope:") TextField("Slope", value: $roundsdata.roundsSlope, format: .number) .textContentType(.name) } } .navigationTitle("Edit Rounds") } } }
Nov ’24
IOS 18 Update - Emoji Keyboard
I don't typically write reviews on new updates as they typically are fine. For once I did want to mention one thing that bothers me and hoping it can be changed. I greatly dislike the new emoji keyboard and how its become bigger. I don't like the large keyboard layout and they kind of hurt my eyes. I'm near sighted and so its not needed for me to have them so big. Is there a way to revert them to the previous version? I don't know if anyone else has the same thoughts on this subject. Maybe a possible option to have the ability to switch the keyboard size to which ever suits the user? Anything would be helpful as I do enjoy using the emojis but now I'm avoiding them. Thank you for your time and consideration.
Nov ’24