I have an application named "XY" that has been launched in several countries. Now, I intend to launch it in Turkey, but we are facing legal issues preventing us from using "XY" as the app's display name. Following the documentation, I localized the app's display name to "ZX" for both Turkish and English (Turkey). However, when users change their device settings, they do not see an option for English (Turkey) language selection. I assumed that for Turkish users, English (Turkey) would be the default language, but this is not the case. Could someone please assist me in resolving this issue? I've investigated options for localizing the display name based on region, but it seems that this functionality isn't feasible on iOS. In contrast, it's relatively straightforward to achieve on Android platforms.
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Hello. Recently, our app has been experiencing crashes with the message 'Attempting to attach window to an invalidated scene' when creating a UIWindow.
Our code stores the UIWindowScene provided in the scene(:willConnectTo:options:) function in a global variable and does not change the set scene until the scene(:willConnectTo:options:) function is called again. Additionally, we do not perform any actions related to the disconnect event.
func scene(_ scene: UIScene, willConnectTo session: UISceneSession, options connectionOptions: UIScene.ConnectionOptions) {
guard let windowScene = (scene as? UIWindowScene) else { return }
hudManager.setup(windowScene: windowScene)
// ...
func sceneDidDisconnect(_ scene: UIScene) {
// do nothing
In all crash logs, the activationState of the WindowScene is "unattached", so I initially thought that creating a UIWindow with a scene in the 'unattached' state should be avoided.
However, in the scene(_:willConnectTo:options:) function, the scene's state is also 'unattached', yet the UIWindow is created successfully here, which makes me think that deciding whether to create a window based on the activationState is incorrect.
I did find that trying to create a UIWindow with a scene after it has been disconnected causes a crash.
func sceneDidDisconnect(_ scene: UIScene) {
// Crash occur here and scene's state is `unattached`
let window = UIWindow(windowScene: scene as! UIWindowScene)
If the activationState alone cannot be used to determine the validity of a scene, is there another way to check the validity of a Scene? Thank you
I am trying to discover how to display my application’s calculated Solar Information values in a chart.
My application identifies a selected location in MapKit.
The application identifies the location’s longitude, latitude, and current time of day.
The application calculates the selected location’s NOAA [SOLAR ELEVATION], and the [SOLAR AZIMUTH] for the time of day.
The application calculates the data, then stores the calculated values as a [Plist] file within my application’s Document Directory.
For the moment, complete with repeated scouring of the Internet, I am not sure how to properly convert, transfer, or create a Structure, required by the chart to display the calculated values. I would like to create the chart once the calculations are complete, but I introduced a Plist to store the calculations for future use, too.
The calculated values coincide with the NOAA Solar Calculations, complete to the displayed [h : m : s], whereas I also designed the application to create the [Array of Dictionary Objects] to store the calculated values for each subsequent six minute interval, until the end of the selected location’s day. The calculated values are properly appended to the [Array of Dictionary Objects] after each completed calculation, with data transfer constants. There are 240 calculations per day from [00:06:00 to 23:54:00], presented as a [STRING], complete with the [Elevation] presented as a [DOUBLE].
For example :: The application generates the following [Calculated Array of Dictionary Objects], then recreates, and appends a new Plist in the Document Directory.
mySolarElevationDataArrayOfDictionaries :: [(theRequiredTimeOfDay: "00:06:00", theCalculatedElevation: -62.60301082991259), (theRequiredTimeOfDay: "00:12:00", theCalculatedElevation: -62.94818095051292), (theRequiredTimeOfDay: "00:18:00", theCalculatedElevation: -63.245198186807215), (theRequiredTimeOfDay: "00:24:00", theCalculatedElevation: -63.49236786176319), (theRequiredTimeOfDay: "00:30:00", theCalculatedElevation: -63.688223890934175), (theRequiredTimeOfDay: "00:36:00", theCalculatedElevation: -63.831564163806945), (theRequiredTimeOfDay: "00:42:00", theCalculatedElevation: -63.921486675739004), (theRequiredTimeOfDay: "00:48:00", theCalculatedElevation: -63.95741610687708), to the end of the data :: ===> (theRequiredTimeOfDay: "23:54:00", theCalculatedElevation: -60.69355458181633)]
The application presents the initial data as follows ::
Then presents a compass view to illustrate the results ::
I modified the Chart’s [MOCK DATA] from the calculated values to test the Chart’s display in a [SwiftUI Hosting Controller].
For example :: The following Chart Mock Data in a [HourlySunElevation_MockChartData.swift] file is called by the application’s [Content View].
import Foundation
struct Value {
let theRequiredTimeOfDay: String
let theCalculatedElevation: Double
static func theSunElevationMockData() -> [Value] {
return [Value(theRequiredTimeOfDay: "00:06:00", theCalculatedElevation: -62.60301082991259), Value(theRequiredTimeOfDay: "00:12:00", theCalculatedElevation: -62.94818095051292), Value(theRequiredTimeOfDay: "00:18:00", theCalculatedElevation: -63.245198186807215), Value(theRequiredTimeOfDay: "00:24:00", theCalculatedElevation: -63.49236786176319), Value(theRequiredTimeOfDay: "00:30:00", theCalculatedElevation: -63.688223890934175), Value(theRequiredTimeOfDay: "00:36:00", theCalculatedElevation: -63.831564163806945), Value(theRequiredTimeOfDay: "00:42:00", theCalculatedElevation: -63.921486675739004), Value(theRequiredTimeOfDay: "00:48:00", theCalculatedElevation: -63.95741610687708), to the end of the data :: ===> Value(theRequiredTimeOfDay: "23:54:00", theCalculatedElevation: -60.69355458181633)]
The Chart illustrates the Mock Data as follows ::
I also created a Struct within the [MySunElevationChart_ViewController] to try to append the calculated data, using the same logic with the Plist data transfer constants, as employed by the [Array of Dictionary Objects] ::
struct ChartSolarElevationValues {
var theRequiredTimeOfDay: String
var theCalculatedElevation: Double
// Structs have an implicit [init]. This is here for reference.
init(theRequiredTimeOfDay: String, theCalculatedElevation: Double) {
self.theRequiredTimeOfDay = theRequiredTimeOfDay
self.theCalculatedElevation = theCalculatedElevation
} // End of [init(theRequiredTimeOfDay: String, theCalculatedElevation: Double)]
} // End of [struct ChartSolarElevationValues]
Unfortunately, the result did not append each subsequent calculation, but continued to create the same calculation as a new distinct object ::
NOTE :: I only called three calculations with the Struct test.
// NOTE :: To prevent an [ERROR] at [var mySolarElevationChartData = [ChartSolarElevationValues]] since it has an init.
// Therefore you must add () at the end of [var mySolarElevationChartData = [ChartSolarElevationValues]]
let theData = [ChartSolarElevationValues]()
//print("theData :: \(theData)\n")
let someData = ChartSolarElevationValues(theRequiredTimeOfDay: TheTimeForDaySunElevation.theTheTimeForDaySunElevation, theCalculatedElevation:VerifyCityLocationSearchRequestCorrectedSolarElevation.theVerifyCityLocationSearchRequestCorrectedSolarElevation)
var theData_New = theData
print("theData_New :: \(theData_New)\n")
// Prints :: theData_New :: [My_Map.ChartSolarElevationValues(theRequiredTimeOfDay: "00:06:00", theCalculatedElevation: -61.11000735370401)]]
// Prints :: [theData_New :: [My_Map.ChartSolarElevationValues(theRequiredTimeOfDay: "00:12:00", theCalculatedElevation: -61.315092082911875)]]
// Prints :: [theData_New :: [My_Map.ChartSolarElevationValues(theRequiredTimeOfDay: "00:18:00", theCalculatedElevation: -61.47403413313205)]]
So, I am misintepreting the required coding structure to properly append the Elevation Chart, and the Azimuth Chart with the calculated data.
I know something is amiss, but for the moment, I do not know how to address this issue.
Your suggestions would be welcome ... :]
After updating to Sonoma, the following is logged in the Xcode console when an editable text field becomes key. This doesn't occur on any text field, but it seems to happen when the text field is within an NSPopover or an NSSavePanel.
ViewBridge to RemoteViewService Terminated: Error Domain=com.apple.ViewBridge Code=18 "(null)" UserInfo={com.apple.ViewBridge.error.hint=this process disconnected remote view controller -- benign unless unexpected, com.apple.ViewBridge.error.description=NSViewBridgeErrorCanceled}
What does this mean?
I'm working on the control widget which should display the SF image on the UI, but I have found that it cannot be displayed stably. I have three ExampleControlWidget which is about the type egA egB and egC, it should all be showed but now they only show the text and placeholder. I'm aware of the images should be SF image and I can see them to show perfectly sometimes, but in other time it is just failed. This's really confused me, can anyone help me out?
public enum ControlWidgetType: Sendable {
case egA
case egB
case egC
public var imageName: String {
switch self {
case .egA:
return "egA"
case .egB:
return "egB"
case .egC:
return "egC"
struct ExampleControlWidget: ControlWidget {
var body: some ControlWidgetConfiguration {
kind: kind,
provider: Provider()
) { example in
isOn: example.state.isOn,
action: ExampleControlWidgetIntent(id: example.id),
valueLabel: { isOn in
statusText: isOn ? Localization.on.text : Localization.off.text,
bundle: bundle,
widgetType: .egA //or .egB .egC
public struct ExampleControlWidgetView: View {
private let statusText: String
private let bundle: Bundle
private var widgetType: ControlWidgetType = .egA
public init(statusText: String, bundle: Bundle, widgetType: ControlWidgetType) {
self.statusText = statusText
self.bundle = bundle
self.widgetType = widgetType
public var body: some View {
image: .init(
name: widgetType.imageName,
// the SF Symbol image id bundled in the Widget extension
bundle: bundle
This is the normal display:
These are the display that do not show properly:
The results has no rules at all, I have tried to completely uninstall the APP and reinstall but the result is same.
Platform Specs:
Xcode 16.2
Swift 6.0.3
iOS 18.2 + iOS Simulator 18.3.1
Refer to the following code:
struct CustomView: View {
@Binding var prop: CustomStruct
init(prop p: Binding<CustomStruct>) {
_prop = p
init(isPreview: Bool) {
let p = CustomStruct()
_prop = .constant(p)
var body: some View {
VStack {
#Preview {
CustomView(isPreview: true)
The first constructor is for normal app functionality (and previews/functions correctly when used with the rest of the app in the ContentView preview tab). The second constructor is for previewing only CustomView in its own preview tab. This constructor does not work when previewing in the same file, as shown above. It triggers an ambiguous crash, stating that the diagnostic log (which obviously provides no clear information) should be checked.
I have isolated the issue to be in the Binding reassignment in the second constructor. Replacing CustomStruct with anything but another struct, like an enum or primitive, fixes the issue.
Note: This bug only occurs when previewing (either through the #Preview macro or PreviewProvider struct).
A few days ago scanning NFC tags or QR codes for AppClips with advanced experiences started showing the error "The operation couldn't be completed. (CPSErrorDomain error 2.)" in the AppClip sheet as seen here:
We are providing AppClips to our customers and they trust AppClips to always work, since it is a big part of their business.
Since this is happening at our customers phones and on the phones of their customers, I don't have a sysdiagnose.
I already created a feedback entry about this FB16601674.
We checked everything, our AASA file, the Appstore Experiences.
I have a struct that holds an instance of UINavigationController:
struct NavigationController {
static let shared = UINavigationController()
I use NavigationController.shared to push and pop ViewControllers around the app, rather than using the ViewController's .navigationController property.
The issue I'm having is that when I pop I get new instances of my previous ViewController, this is my hierarchy:
(0) UIWindow
---- (1) NavigationController (is set as the UIWindow.rootViewController)
---- (2) UITabBarController (is set with NavigationController.shared.setViewControllers)
---- (3) ViewController (HomeVC) (is the first tab of the UITabController)
---- (4) ViewController (ScanVC) (is pushed into the stack by NavigationController.shared.pushViewController)
---- (5) ViewController (NotificationsVC)
---- (6) ViewController (SettingsVC)
I put a print statement in my HomeVC in the viewDidLoad method
My understanding is that the viewDidLoad should only be called once in the lifecycle of a ViewController
When I go back to the HomeVC from the ScanVC then the print always gets triggered which means I have a new instance of the HomeVC
This is the print statement I created inside the viewDidLoad method:
print("\(#function) View Did Load, instance: \(self)")
Here's the output from going back and forth from the HomeVC to ScanVC:
viewDidLoad() View Did Load, instance: <HomeVC: 0x118db0000>
viewDidLoad() View Did Load, instance: <HomeVC: 0x118db3100>
viewDidLoad() View Did Load, instance: <HomeVC: 0x118db0700>
Any one has any suggestions on how to fix this? Because ideally going back to the HomeVC should not instantiate a new ViewController.
I tested this on a small test project and viewDidLoad would only be triggered once when the ViewController was instantiated.
I have created an AppIntent and added it to shortcuts to be able to read by Siri. When I say the phrase, the Siri intent dialog appears just fine. I have added a custom SwiftUI View inside Siri dialog box with 2 buttons with intents. The callback or handling of those buttons is not working when initiated via Siri. It works fine when I initiate it in shortcuts. I tried using the UIButton without the intent action as well but it did not work. Here is the code.
static let title: LocalizedStringResource = "My Custom Intent"
static var openAppWhenRun: Bool = false
func perform() async throws -> some ShowsSnippetView & ProvidesDialog {
return .result(dialog: "Here are the details of your order"), content: {
struct OrderDetailsView {
var body: some View {
HStack {
if #available(iOS 17.0, *) {
Button(intent: ModifyOrderIntent(), label : {
Text("Modify Order")
Button(intent: CancelOrderIntent(), label : {
Text("Cancel Order")
struct ModifyOrderIntent: AppIntent {
static let title: LocalizedStringResource = "Modify Order"
static var openAppWhenRun: Bool = true
func perform() async throws -> some OpensIntent {
// performs the deeplinking to app to a certain page to modify the order
struct CancelOrderIntent: AppIntent {
static let title: LocalizedStringResource = "Cancel Order"
static var openAppWhenRun: Bool = true
func perform() async throws -> some OpensIntent {
// performs the deeplinking to app to a certain page to cancel the order
Button(action: {
if let url = URL(string: "myap://open-order") {
I have a share extension in my app, that shall allow users to send CSV files, custom app files, and selected text to my app via the share sheet for importing that data.
So, the share extension should activate when the user has selected either:
CSV or plain text files
Custom UTI app files
Text selected in other apps
The supported file types have been defined in as a predicate query according to the example in the docs
This works all fine on iOS, and the file sharing also works on the Mac.
However, on macOS, my app is not shown as a target in the share sheet when the user selects text in other apps and tries to share that text via the context menu.
Does macOS need a different configuration to enable a share extension for selected text?
This is how my Info.plist of the Mac share extension looks like:
<plist version="1.0">
<string>SUBQUERY (
ANY $attachment.registeredTypeIdentifiers UTI-CONFORMS-TO "public.plain-text" ||
ANY $attachment.registeredTypeIdentifiers UTI-CONFORMS-TO "com.myCompany.myApp.customFormat" ||
ANY $attachment.registeredTypeIdentifiers UTI-CONFORMS-TO "public.delimited-values-text"
).@count == $extensionItem.attachments.@count
).@count >= 1</string>
I know there is a NSExtensionActivationSupportsText but it seems this cannot be combined with a subquery rule.
Is there a way to explicitly enable text activation within the subquery rule?
we are presenting a UIDocumentInteractionController within our app, so the user can share some documents. Sharing basically works but we are facing the problem that the two delegate methods
documentInteractionController(UIDocumentInteractionController, willBeginSendingToApplication: String?)
documentInteractionController(UIDocumentInteractionController, didEndSendingToApplication: String?)
are never being called. Other delegate methods such as
are called just fine. Everything worked as expected when we last checked a year ago or so, but doesn't anymore now, even after updating to the latest iOS 18.3.
Does anybody know of a solution for this?
For reference, this is the simplified code we are using the reproduce the issue:
import UIKit
import OSLog
class ViewController: UIViewController, UIDocumentInteractionControllerDelegate {
let log = Logger(subsystem: "com.me.pdfshare", category: "app")
var documentInteractionController: UIDocumentInteractionController!
override func viewDidLoad() {
guard let pdfURL = Bundle.main.url(forResource: "test", withExtension: "pdf") else {
documentInteractionController = UIDocumentInteractionController(url: pdfURL)
documentInteractionController.delegate = self
documentInteractionController.presentPreview(animated: true)
// MARK: - UIDocumentInteractionControllerDelegate
func documentInteractionControllerViewControllerForPreview(_ controller: UIDocumentInteractionController) -> UIViewController {
return self
} // This will be called.
func documentInteractionController(_ controller: UIDocumentInteractionController, willBeginSendingToApplication application: String?) {
} // This will NOT be called.
func documentInteractionController(_ controller: UIDocumentInteractionController, didEndSendingToApplication application: String?) {
} // This will NOT be called.
Hello! We can animate Text color via foregroundStyle very nicely in SwiftUI like so:
Text("Some text here")
.foregroundStyle(boolValue ? Color.green : Color.blue)
withAnimation {
However, if the foregroundStyle is a gradient, the color of the Text view changes immediately without animation.
The code below works to animate a gradient foregroundStyle on an SF Symbol, but it does not work when applied to a Text view. Is it possible to animate a Text view foregroundStyle between gradient values?
Image(systemName: "pencil.circle.fill")
.foregroundStyle(boolValue ? .linearGradient(colors: [.red, .orange], startPoint: .top, endPoint: .bottom) : .linearGradient(colors: [.green, .blue], startPoint: .top, endPoint: .bottom))
Thanks for your help!
In the good old days, it was possible to retrieve dynamically the UnknownFSObjectIcon.icns icon using:
[[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] iconForFileType:NSFileTypeForHFSTypeCode(kUnknownFSObjectIcon)];
Now, this solution is considered to be deprecated (but is still working) by recent macOS SDKs.
[Q] What is the modern equivalent of this solution?
Yes, reading the file directly works but is more fragile than using a System API.
Yes, Xcode suggests to use the iconForContentType: method but I haven't found which UTType should be used.
In order to setup a preview, I need to create a Book; to do that, I need to await a function – however, one cannot await inside a Preview:
import SwiftUI
struct BookView: View {
let book: Book
var body: some View {
VStack {
Image(book.thumbnail, scale: 1.0,
label: Text(book.title))
#Preview {
let url = URL(filePath: "/Users/dan/Documents/Curs confirmare RO.pdf")!
// 👇 here, `createBook` should be awaited; but how?
let book = createBook(for: url, of: CGSize(width: 254, height: 254), scale: 1.0)
BookView(book: book)
When call:
[UITabBarController setViewControllers:animated:]
It crashed and raise an Fatal Exception:
Fatal Exception: NSInternalInconsistencyException Attempting to select a view controller that isn't a child! (null)
the crash stack is:
Fatal Exception: NSInternalInconsistencyException
0 CoreFoundation 0x8408c __exceptionPreprocess
1 libobjc.A.dylib 0x172e4 objc_exception_throw
2 Foundation 0x82215c _userInfoForFileAndLine
3 UIKitCore 0x38a468 -[UITabBarController transitionFromViewController:toViewController:transition:shouldSetSelected:]
4 UIKitCore 0x3fa8a4 -[UITabBarController _setSelectedViewController:performUpdates:]
5 UIKitCore 0x3fa710 -[UITabBarController setSelectedIndex:]
6 UIKitCore 0x8a5fc +[UIView(Animation) performWithoutAnimation:]
7 UIKitCore 0x3e54e0 -[UITabBarController _setViewControllers:animated:]
8 UIKitCore 0x45d7a0 -[UITabBarController setViewControllers:animated:]
And it appear sometimes, what's the root cause?
All the threads only contain system calls. The crashed thread only contains a single call to my app's code which is main.swift:13.
What could cause such a crash?
I am trying to use this decoder to obtain single points form a geojson file. I am able to do this successfully however, when using MapKit for iOS 17+ I am unable to use a ForEach to iterate through these points (stored in an array) and display these on the map as a custom annotation or even a marker.
MapAnnotation(coordinate: point.coordinate) {
VStack {
Image(systemName: "mappin.circle.fill")
.frame(width: 25, height: 25)
if let title = point.title {
In an AppKit document-based project created by Xcode, setting canConcurrentlyReadDocuments to true allows new documents to open normally in Swift 5, but switching to Swift 6 causes an error.
Judging from the error message, it seems to be a threading issue, but I’m not sure how to adjust the code to support the Swift 6 environment.
The project is the most basic code from an Xcode-created document-based project without any modifications, except for changing the Swift version to 6 and setting canConcurrentlyReadDocuments to true.
Source code: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ryb2TaU6IX884q0h5joJqqZwSX95Q335/view?usp=sharing
import Cocoa
class AppDelegate: NSObject, NSApplicationDelegate {
func applicationDidFinishLaunching(_ aNotification: Notification)
// Insert code here to initialize your application
func applicationWillTerminate(_ aNotification: Notification) {
// Insert code here to tear down your application
func applicationSupportsSecureRestorableState(_ app: NSApplication) -> Bool {
return true
import Cocoa
class Document: NSDocument {
override init() {
// Add your subclass-specific initialization here.
override class var autosavesInPlace: Bool {
return true
override class func canConcurrentlyReadDocuments(ofType typeName: String) -> Bool {
override func canAsynchronouslyWrite(to url: URL, ofType typeName: String, for saveOperation: NSDocument.SaveOperationType) -> Bool {
override func makeWindowControllers() {
// Returns the Storyboard that contains your Document window.
let storyboard = NSStoryboard(name: NSStoryboard.Name("Main"), bundle: nil)
let windowController = storyboard.instantiateController(withIdentifier: NSStoryboard.SceneIdentifier("Document Window Controller")) as! NSWindowController
override func data(ofType typeName: String) throws -> Data {
// Insert code here to write your document to data of the specified type, throwing an error in case of failure.
// Alternatively, you could remove this method and override fileWrapper(ofType:), write(to:ofType:), or write(to:ofType:for:originalContentsURL:) instead.
// throw NSError(domain: NSOSStatusErrorDomain, code: unimpErr, userInfo: nil)
return Data()
override func read(from data: Data, ofType typeName: String) throws {
// Insert code here to read your document from the given data of the specified type, throwing an error in case of failure.
// Alternatively, you could remove this method and override read(from:ofType:) instead.
// If you do, you should also override isEntireFileLoaded to return false if the contents are lazily loaded.
// throw NSError(domain: NSOSStatusErrorDomain, code: unimpErr, userInfo: nil)
import Cocoa
class ViewController: NSViewController {
override func viewDidLoad() {
// Do any additional setup after loading the view.
override var representedObject: Any? {
didSet {
// Update the view, if already loaded.
Prime Objective
I am trying to have a scroll view with a fixed header, a fixed footer, and a WKWebView in between. Using JavaScript, the height of the webView is determined and set to be large enough to hold the entire content.
The Problem
When selecting text on the webView, the view does not scroll when the edges are reached (this works if the webView is shown without being embedded in a Scroll view, or if it is the last element)
What did I try?
I tried reading the scroll view, or adding a gesture recognizer, but all of that does not work because the selection is essentially a system task
Sourcecode to demonstrate the issue can be found on GitHub
Hello Apple Developer Community,
I’m experiencing an issue with my iOS app, "WaterReminder," where it builds successfully in Xcode 16.2 but crashes immediately upon launch in the iPhone 16 Pro Simulator running iOS 18.3.1. The crash is accompanied by a "Thread 1: signal SIGABRT" error, and the Xcode console logs indicate a dyld error related to XCTest.framework/XCTest not being loaded. I’ve tried several troubleshooting steps, but the issue persists, and I’d appreciate any guidance or insights from the community.
Here are the details:
Xcode Version: 16.2
Simulator: iPhone 16 Pro, iOS 18.3.1
App: WaterReminder (written in SwiftUI 6)
Build Configuration: Debug
Issue Description:
The app builds without errors, but when I run it in the iPhone 16 Pro Simulator, it shows a white screen and crashes with a SIGABRT signal. The Xcode debugger highlights the issue in the main function or app delegate, and the console logs show the following error:
dyld[7358]: Library not loaded: @rpath/XCTest.framework/XCTest
Referenced from: <549B4D71-6B6A-314B-86BE-95035926310E> /Users/faytek/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/2A51383F-D8EA-4750-AE22-4CDE745164CE/data/Containers/Bundle/Application/56D8B44F-6613-4756-89F0-CB33991F0821/WaterReminder.app/WaterReminder.debug.dylib
Reason: tried: '/Users/faytek/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WaterReminder-cahqrulxghamvyclxaozotzrbsiz/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/XCTest.framework/XCTest' (no such file), '/Users/faytek/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/2A51383F-D8EA-4750-AE22-4CDE745164CE/data/Containers/Bundle/Application/56D8B44F-6613-4756-89F0-CB33991F0821/WaterReminder.app/Frameworks/XCTest.framework/XCTest' (no such file), '/Users/faytek/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/2A51383F-D8EA-4750-AE22-4CDE745164CE/data/Containers/Bundle/Application/56D8B44F-6613-4756-89F0-CB33991F0821/WaterReminder.app/XCTest.framework/XCTest' (no such file), '/Users/faytek/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/2A51383F-D8EA-4750-AE22-4CDE745164CE/data/Containers/Bundle/Application/56D8B44F-6613-4756-89F0-CB33991F0821/WaterReminder.app/Frameworks/XCTest.framework/XCTest' (no such file), '/Users/faytek/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/2A51383F-D8EA-4750-AE22-4CDE745164CE/data/Containers/Bundle/Application/56D8B44F-6613-4756-89F0-CB33991F0821/WaterReminder.app/XCTest.framework/XCTest' (no such file), '/Users/faytek/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/2A51383F-D8EA-4750-AE22-4CDE745164CE/data/Containers/Bundle/Application/56D8B44F-6613-4756-89F0-CB33991F0821/WaterReminder.app/Frameworks/XCTest.framework/XCTest' (no such file), '/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Volumes/iOS_22D8075/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Profiles/Runtimes/iOS 18.3.simruntime/Contents/Resources/RuntimeRoot/System/Library/Frameworks/XCTest.framework/XCTest' (no such file)
What I’ve Tried:
◦ Verified that FBSnapshotTestCase is correctly added to the "Embed Frameworks" build phase.
◦ Confirmed that the Framework Search Paths in build settings point to the correct location.
◦ Ensured that all required frameworks are available in the dependencies folder.
◦ Cleaned the build folder (Shift + Option + Command + K) and rebuilt the project.
◦ Checked the target configuration to ensure XCTest.framework isn’t incorrectly linked to the main app target (it’s only in test targets).
◦ Updated Xcode and the iOS Simulator to the latest versions.
◦ Reset the simulator content and settings.
Despite these steps, the app continues to crash with the same dyld error and SIGABRT signal. I suspect there might be an issue with how XCTest.framework is being referenced or loaded in the simulator, possibly related to using SwiftUI 6, but I’m unsure how to resolve it.
Could anyone provide advice on why XCTest.framework is being referenced in my main app (since it’s not intentionally linked there) or suggest additional troubleshooting steps? I’d also appreciate any known issues or workarounds specific to Xcode 16.2, iOS 18.3.1, and SwiftUI 6.
Thank you in advance for your help!
Best regards,