Gain insights with analytics
Measure your app’s performance and get unique insights with data you won’t find anywhere else using App Analytics, Sales and Trends, and Payments and Financial Reports. Available in App Store Connect, these tools are included with Apple Developer Program membership and require no technical implementation.

App Analytics
Find out how people discover and engage with your app.

App Store performance
See how many people discover your app while searching or browsing on the App Store, and find out which apps and websites bring people to your product page. You can measure your app’s downloads, including First-Time Downloads, Redownloads, and Total Downloads, as well as your App Store conversion rate. This data provides insight into how your marketing efforts and metadata changes affect downloads.
Marketing campaigns
Measure the performance of your marketing campaigns across channels, such as social media, email, and paid advertising, so you can focus on the campaigns that are most effective. Measure downloads from Smart App Banners in Safari and cross-promotion in apps that use StoreKit to display your product page. Create unique links for each marketing campaign, so you’ll understand your average spend per user and know which campaigns drive the most downloads.
App Clip performance
Understand how people discover and engage with your App Clip, so you can measure performance over time. Find out which sources they used to invoke it (for example, NFC tags, Safari, or App Clip Codes) and see the number of App Clip card views, installations, sessions, crashes, and more. You can also view the number of resulting app installations.
In-App Event performance
View information about your In-App Events, including event page views, reminder and notification data, and the number of downloads and redownloads that were driven by your In-App Events. Each metric can be viewed by territory, source type, device, and more, so you can understand how your In-App Events are influencing the growth and success of your apps.
App engagement and usage
Measure a variety of user engagement metrics, find out if people continue to use your app, and view the number of installations, sessions, and active devices. This information allows you to evaluate the impact of product changes, such as adjustments to the onboarding experience or the addition of special in-app content. View crash and deletion data by platform, app version, and operating system version to pinpoint potential causes and create a better user experience.
Paying users
View the number of unique paying users by day, week, or month. The daily number of unique paying users can help you assess whether changes you make impact user spending within your app. Filter sales per paying users by source to learn the average spend per user from a particular campaign, app, or website.
Find out how many users have pre-ordered your app before it’s available for download on the App Store. The Overview page shows the number of pre-orders, and breaks them down by territory, source type, and more.
Peer group benchmarks
Put your app’s performance into context using peer group benchmarks, which compare your app’s performance to that of similar apps on the App Store. Peer group benchmarks provide powerful new insights across the customer journey, enabling you to identify what works well in your app and what can be improved. Apps are placed into groups based on their App Store category, business model, and download volume to ensure relevant comparisons. Using industry-leading differential privacy techniques, peer group benchmarks provide relevant and actionable insights — all while keeping the performance of individual apps private.

Sales and Trends
Get daily data to understand your app’s performance and forecast your sales. Download reports with additional data to conduct deeper analysis.

Subscription activity
View the number of active paid subscribers, subscribers that continue renewing, subscribers that convert to a standard price from each type of subscription offer, and more. See how many new customers subscribe each day, as well as daily subscription sales, reasons a subscription has been cancelled (including billing issues and price increases), and more. You can also filter this data by app, subscription, and other metrics to analyze performance.
Business performance
View data for downloads of your apps, initiated sales, initiated pre-orders, and estimated proceeds. You can also filter data by date ranges, transaction types, subscription offerings, territories, and other metrics.

Payments and financial reports
View your final proceeds for each month, with earnings broken out by territory and currency. See the rates used to convert your earnings from local currencies (when available) and any taxes and adjustments applied. You can also download more detailed reports of all transactions, including the number of units sold per app or In-App Purchase, for the month.

Documentation and help
Get details, including definitions for metrics and dimensions in each tool.