




Best `AVMediaType` for depth data.
Dear Apple Developer Forum, I have a question regarding the AVCaptureDevice on iOS. We're trying to capture photos in the best quality possible along with depth data with the highest accuracy possible. We were delighted when we saw AVCaptureDevice could be initialized with the AVMediaType=.depthData which works as expected (depthData is a part of the AVCapturePhoto). When setting to, we still receive depth data (of same quality according to our own internal tests). That confused us. Mind you, we set the device format and depth format as well: private func getDeviceFormat() throws -> AVCaptureDevice.Format { // Ensures high video format and an appropriate color profile. let format = camera?.formats.first(where: { $0.isHighPhotoQualitySupported && $0.supportedDepthDataFormats.count > 0 && $0.formatDescription.mediaSubType.rawValue == kCVPixelFormatType_420YpCbCr8BiPlanarFullRange }) // Check and see if it's available. guard format != nil else { throw CaptureDeviceError.necessaryFormatNotAvailable } return format! } private func getDepthDataFormat(for format: AVCaptureDevice.Format) throws -> AVCaptureDevice.Format { // Access the depth format. let depthDataFormat = format.supportedDepthDataFormats.first(where: { $0.formatDescription.mediaSubType.rawValue == kCVPixelFormatType_DepthFloat32 }) // Check if it exists guard depthDataFormat != nil else { throw CaptureDeviceError.necessaryFormatNotAvailable } // Returns it. return depthDataFormat! } We're wondering, what steps we can take to ensure the best quality photo, along with the most accurate depth data? What properties are the most important, which have an effect, which don't? Are there any ways we can optimize our current configuration? We find it difficult as there's very limited guides and explanations on the media subtypes, for example kCVPixelFormatType_420YpCbCr8BiPlanarFullRange. Is it the best? Is it the best for our use case of high quality photo + most accurate depth data? Important comment: Our App only runs on iPhone 14 Pro, iPhone 15 Pro, iPhone 16 Pro on the latest iOS versions. We hope someone with greater knowledge at Apple can help us and guide us on how we can have the photos of best quality and depth data with most accuracy. Thank you very much! Kind regards.
Jan ’25
Reproducible Builds on iOS
Dear Apple Developer Forum! I'm in need of help regarding an issue that has to do with binaries. I'm building an iOS App that needs a fingerprint of its binaries, exclusively based on the source code written. A "reproducible" build, meaning that when I compile it on my machine and run checksum on it, the output (hash) will be the same, as if another device clones the project, compiles and checksums the values. The App depends on swift packages which depends on Swift Packages, which I've managed to compile to .o files, convert to .a files (static frameworks) and create xcframeworks, which the App depends on. They work great, once compiled, their checksum value does not change when App is compiled (unless source code of them is changed of course), but the Apps executable (checksummed inside the IPA) changes every time it's compiled. I'm guessing that perhaps the Xcode compiler injects a timestamp or other unique identifier in the binaries? Is there any way to have "reproducible" builds on iOS (Swift Xcode)? All input is greatly appreciated, Thank you very much, Kind regards Johan.
Jan ’25