




Do i need to free memory for C strings obtained from xpc_dictionary_get_string?
I am using C APIs for XPC communication. When my XPC server gets a xpc_dictionary as a message, I use xpc_dictionary_get_string to get the string which is of type const char*. Afterwards, when I try to free up the memory for the string, I get an error. I could not find any details on why this happens. Does XPC handle the lifecycle of these C strings ? I did some tests to see the behaviour. The following code snippet prints a string temp before and after releasing the dictionary memory. char* string = "dummy-string"; xpc_object_t dict = xpc_dictionary_create(NULL, NULL, 0); xpc_dictionary_set_string(dict, "str", string); const char* temp = xpc_dictionary_get_string(reply, "str"); printf("temp before release: %s\n", temp); xpc_release(reply); printf("temp after release: %s\n", temp); output: # temp before release: dummy-string # temp after release: I tried to free the variable temp before and after releasing dict . char* string = "dummy-string"; xpc_object_t dict = xpc_dictionary_create(NULL, NULL, 0); xpc_dictionary_set_string(dict, "str", string); const char* temp = xpc_dictionary_get_string(dict, "str"); printf("temp before release: %s\n", temp); free((void *)temp); // case 1 xpc_release(dict); // free((void *)temp); // case 2 printf("temp after release: %s\n", temp); in both the cases i got the output: # temp before release: dummy-string # app(18502,0x1f02fc840) malloc: Double free of object 0x145004a20 # app(18502,0x1f02fc840) malloc: *** set a breakpoint in malloc_error_break to debug # SIGABRT: abort # PC=0x186953720 m=0 sigcode=0 # signal arrived during cgo execution # ... # ...
Performance Implications of XPC polling
On my MAC, I have a XPC server running as a daemon. It also checks the clients for codesigning requirements. I have multiple clients(2 or more). Each of these clients periodically(say 5 seconds) poll the XPC server to ask for a particular data. I want to understand how the performance of my MAC will be affected when multiple XPC clients keep polling a XPC server.
How does xpc_connection_set_peer_code_signing_requirement work?
I have created a XPC server and client using C APIs. I want to ensure that I trust the client, so I want to have a codesigning requirement on the server side, something like - xpc_connection_set_peer_code_signing_requirement(listener, "anchor apple generic and certificate leaf[subject.OU] = \"1234567\"") This checks if the client code was signed by a code-signing-identity issued by Apple and that the teamID in the leaf certificate is 1234567. My questions are- Is using teamID as a signing requirement enough? What else can I add to this requirement to make it more secure? How does xpc_connection_set_peer_code_signing_requirement work internally? Does it do any cryptographic operations to verify the clients signature or does it simply do string matching on the teamID? Is there a way actually verify the clients signature(cryptographically) before establishing a connection with the server? (so we know the client is who he claims to be)
Jan ’25
Using protocols with XPC C API instead of dictionaries for sending and receiving messages
I have followed this post for creating a Launch Agent that provides an XPC service on macOS using Swift- post link - In the swift code the interface of the XPC service is defined by protocols which makes the code nice and neat. I want to implement the XPC service using C APIs for XPC, and C APIs send and receive messages using dictionaries, which need manual handling with conditional statements. I want to know if its possible to go with the protocol based approach with C APIs.
Jan ’25