Hello, we are building an app to limit children's screen time and using Screen Time API. We found bug on the screen where the user selects app category and apps, if the user selects Other category, the screen will crash (he will be empty, but if you reload screen, it will show apps again as usual). We hope that Apple will fix it someday, but we are trying to notify our users about this problem, and the problem is that we don't know what the user selects on Apple screen with apps till the user clicks Save or Done. But we need to notify him either when he clicks on the Other category or when he faces crash of this screen. We want to show a pop-up to user with explanation why screen crashed.
Selecting any option will automatically load the page
Hi, I noticed that all my apps are sometimes blocked even if I don’t have set up screen time for them. How can I fix it?
I use a parental control app and it should block apps only if I enable child mode, but after the iOS 18 update, it blocks apps even when I am still in parent mode.
I'm working on the Parental Control app and noticed that we have limitations for schedules. We need to create a schedule so that all apps are blocked for some time. We see that nothing happens, when we set up it for less than 15 minutes. Apps are not blocked.
Also, we see the same limitation if we enable the schedule from 23:45 to 00:00.
Could you tell if it is a limitation from Screen Time API or we can fix it?
Hello, I'm working with Screen Time API and I have such issue.
When opening the picker with apps that I want to block, and doing a "Search" I don't have the Done CTA or Cancel. It dissapears and there are no way to get out by using button, except clicking on empty space. We see that other apps managed to add Cancel button. Could you please let us know how to do the same changes to our picker?
Hello, I'm working on the interesting task of blocking settings when I'm using the Parental Control App.
Could you advise how to make your Intent visible as Input in IF action?