Hello !
I am using this iCloud key value pair mechanism to save small app configuration between iOS and tvOS.
I would say it is working. But when I go back and forth between debug and release (TestFlight) modes, it is like both apps are not connected anymore.
I spend a lot of time restarting all devices, rebuilding, activating / deactivating iCloud capabilities in the Xcode project.
It is like the app is mixing debug and release data.
Is there an easy way to check what is happening exactly ? I know there's nothing on CloudKit console, so ....
Thank you
I am playing with controls in control center.
I notice that we can just add Toggles and Buttons.
Is it possible to build a more complex UI, like the music control (with play, pause .. buttons, and artwork, labels) ?
Thank you
Hello !
I am working on an app connected to an external streamer .
I would like to display current playing song on the Lock Screen.
I tried to update the information in MPNowPlayingInfoCenter but I need to play a sound on my iPhone for the control to be displayed .
Is there a way to do it without playing a sound?
If not, playing a silent sound would be the only solution ? validated by Apple ? :-/
Thank you