




Possible error in export to USDC
Hello. I have an application that exports a 3D object with vertex color to USDC. I'm using an MDLAsset and its functionality to export to USDC with [asset exportAssetToURL:[NSURL fileURLWithPath:filePath]]. In version 1.3 of the system, everything works correctly. But after updating to version 2.0, the exported object appears white (using the same code). Any suggestions? Thank you very much.
Sep ’24
Spatial Event
Hello. I am building an AVP app with a C++ engine in Metal. From Swift, I get a spatial event from the layerRenderer, and I want to send the event data to my engine. But I have a problem: I need the event ID value (SpatialEventCollection.Event.ID), which I can see in the debugger (it has a value of 1 or 2 depending on the hand), but I need that value as an Int to pass it to the engine. Any ideas on how to do this? Thanks.
Jul ’24
CompositorLayer, Metal and Alert
Hello. I am creating an app for APV in Metal. I have a CompositorLayer that launches a thread. What can I do to detect the environment alert to stop the thread until it is accepted by the user? If I don't stop the thread, I have problems with the hand tracking alert. Thank you.
Jul ’24
Issue entering immersive mode with Metal
Hi. I am developing an immersive application in Metal. The problem is that when the application starts for the first time, it shows two system windows: one related to the player's surrounding environment and the other to hand tracking permissions. The latter is the one in focus, and when I select the option to grant permissions, both windows disappear and the transition to the immersive view does not occur. I don't know how to handle this issue.
Jul ’24
USDZ with vertex color
Hello, I have a USDC file with vertex color (WITHOUT textures), and it displays perfectly in Preview. If I package it in a zip (without compression) and rename the resulting file to USDZ, I can see it without any issues in AVP and Mac. However, if I send it to an iPhone, the vertex color does not display. Is there anything else I need to do besides packaging the USDC without compression in a ZIP? Thank you very much.
Jun ’24
Issue with Hand Occlusion in a Metal CompositorLayer
I have an issue with hand occlusion in immersive mode. I have an entry view for the app and a Metal CompositorLayer (which is the immersive volume) where I have set .upperLimbVisibility(Visibility.hidden). The problem is that when I dismiss the entry view, sometimes it hides the hands and sometimes it doesn't (randomly). @main struct AVPainterApp: App { @State var hand: Int32 = 0 var body: some Scene { WindowGroup() { ContentView(hand: $hand) } .windowResizability(.contentSize) ImmersiveSpace(id: "ImmersiveSpace") { CompositorLayer(configuration: MetalLayerConfiguration()) { layerRenderer in SpatialSceneRun(layerRenderer, hand) } } .upperLimbVisibility(Visibility.hidden) .immersionStyle(selection: .constant(.full), in: .full) } }
Jun ’24
Hand tracking permission (VisionOS)
Hello. I'm creating a fully immersive application and I need to use hand tracking. I've included the corresponding key (SHandsTrackingUsageDescription) in the info.plist. Everything works correctly. At the beginning, the application displays the corresponding permission. But now here's the question: if I make a mistake and you click on Don't Allow, the permission prompt won't appear again and the application stops working. How can I request permission again? Thanks.
Mar ’24
Eye tracking permission
Hello. I am developing a space painting application in C++ and Metal in Apple Vision Pro. It's essentially a port of the application called CoolPainrtrVR from PS4. I would like to implement an eye-tracking system for its menu system (3D menus displayed within the scene). How do I need to handle the necessary permissions to use eye tracking for the menu system? Thank you very much.
Mar ’24