Running Sonoma 14.1 Beta (23B5056e). I can't adjust the size of any image in Preview.
IMac Pro.
Already sent a report through Feedback Assistant.
For some reason the CloudKeychainProxy process gradually uses up all RAM and then some. Happens on two different Macs running Catalina. As it turns out it also happens with Mojave 10.14.6 on four different Macs. The only workaround seems to be to log out of iCloud.Any thoughts? I've filed a bug report.
Tested on 4 Macs running Monterey 12.3 Beta (21E5196i). When choosing View My Account in the App Store it will not accept my Apple ID password on any of the four. Works fine in Big Sur and Catalina.
I assume this is known but it appears Hot Corners do not work if Universal Control is enabled. Quick Note does not work either.
Set the cursor color to red. When taking a screen shot the cursor is blue. Happens on three different Macs running Monterey; M1 MBA, 5K iMac & iMac Pro.
Not an emergency. :)
Various Notification Center widgets have disappeared.
Weather, Clock, World Clock, perhaps others.
I installed the Big Sur profile on three of my Macs and installed. However, I am running 10.15.6 b2 on an iMac, didn't install the Big Sur profile on it, yet 10.16 showed up in Software Update. When/if there is a 10.15.6 b3 available, will it show up or am I stuck with Big Sur updates on the iMac?