




How do I get HomeKit accessories to show up in the iOS Simulator?
I'm finding developing for HomeKit using the iOS Simulator utterly confounding. All of my home's actual HomeKit accessories show up fine when I run the HomeKit app I'm developing on my actual phone. But none show up when I run my app in the iOS Simulator. Maybe that's how it's supposed to be? I decided to run the HomeKit Accessory Simulator in an attempt to get something to show up in the iOS Simulator, but the accessories I've created there don't show up in the Simulator either. How do I get devices to show up in the iOS Simulator? Thanks.
Jan ’25
Swift: can I set an object property to an array reference?
I have a `UITableViewController` that can display content from any of three different arrays. In Objective-C, what I would typically do is set a property on the `TableVC` that is a reference to the array to be displayed. Then the `TableVC` would not only be able to show the contents of that array, but also handle user-directed editing of the array, say, if they deleted or re-ordered elements.The way it seems to work in Swift when I set a property on my `TableVC` to an array is that it is a _copy_ of my model's array, not a reference. And while this is fine in certain contexts, in my application it seems bad for two reasons: 1) my arrays are enormous, thousands of elements, and copying huge arrays over and over again seems wasteful; 2) small edits are tougher to handle: I have to communicate back to the model about element deletion or re-ordering and make sure my view and model arrays stay in sync.Setting a property that's a reference to an array is what I _want_ to do, but there's no such thing as an `inout` object property in Swift.What is the correct way for me to handle this?Thanks.
Jul ’18