I have an existing Mac app and when I build and install via the new Mac TestFlight, the user is prompted to enter in their system password in order for the app to have access to it's own keychain items.
If I export the very same archive using a Developer ID or using the Developer option, it doesn't require the user to re-enter their password.
Is it possible that there's something wrong with the way TestFlight signs the app or am I doing something wrong? I've looked at the DR for each of the builds and they are all different in some way so not sure what that tells me.
For example, the DRs for each are:
/existing Mac App Store
designated => (anchor apple generic and certificate leaf[field.1.2.840.113635.] /* exists / or anchor apple generic and certificate 1[field.1.2.840.113635.] / exists / and certificate leaf[field.1.2.840.113635.] / exists */ and certificate leaf[subject.OU] = ZL5FFY3M32) and identifier "X.X.X"
/TestFlight build
designated => anchor apple generic and certificate leaf[field.1.2.840.113635.] /* exists */ and identifier "X.X.X"
/Developer ID
designated => anchor apple generic and identifier "X.X.X" and (certificate leaf[field.1.2.840.113635.] /* exists / or certificate 1[field.1.2.840.113635.] / exists / and certificate leaf[field.1.2.840.113635.] / exists */ and certificate leaf[subject.OU] = ZL5FFY3M32)
X.X.X is the correct and same bundle ID of my app. Clearly the TestFlight DR is "more" different but not sure what is the problem and how I would fix it.
Any help would be greatly appreciated and Merry Christmas!
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I feel like this has happened the last couple of betas but I'll focus on the current iOS 15.6 beta. The latest version of Xcode that I see is the released 13.4 which doesn't allow me to debug an iPhone running 15.6 beta1. It used to be that when a new iOS beta would come out, a new Xcode beta would also be available. However, lately, Apple hasn't made a new Xcode beta available.
Is there a new beta of Xcode that I am missing or is there something else I am doing wrong to not be able to debug iOS 15.6 devices?
iCloud Drive doesn't appear to work at all for me in the iOS 11 Simulator. As near as I can tell, it should. I've signed into my account in settings->Apple ID, iCloud, iTunes & App Store (and signed out/in several times). I've gone into iCloud settings and turned on/off/on/etc iCloud Drive and same for the app I'm developing. I've tried it on two different macs with the same results.When I use the Files app on the Simulator, it shows 0 items, 1.47 TB available. The 0 is wron but the 1.47 TB available is right so it's getting some of the info from iCloud Drive. Most importantly, when I run my app and attempt to use files in my app's iCloud Drive container, the files are older than they should be. When I update the files on another platform, they don't get updated in the simulator. When I update then from my app in the Simulator, the changes never show up on another platform.Questions:- Should iCloud Drive work in the Simulator?- If so, should the Files app show the files I have in my iCloud Drive in the Simulator? Thanks for any help and suggestions.Ray
This am I submitted my Mac build to be notarized to make a Developer ID build. Normally this takes about 20 mins for Apple servers to do whatever it does and then I get an email that it's done. For some reason, it seems to be stuck.
In the archive, it says "Package Approved" but hasn't yet gone to "Ready to distribute".
Is there an issue with the Apple notarization service? It was uploaded/approved over 4 hours ago.
I am working on a large upgrade to my Mac app and when the user has setup to authenticate via TouchID in the shipping version and then runs my upgrade, SecItemCopyMatching returns not found instead of displaying the Touch ID authentication view. I'm using the exact same code to retrieve the users password which is:
NSDictionary *query = @{
(id)kSecClass: (id)kSecClassGenericPassword,
(id)kSecUseOperationPrompt: @"my message",
CFTypeRef dataTypeRef = NULL;
OSStatus status = SecItemCopyMatching((CFDictionaryRef)(query), &dataTypeRef);
Since it's the same code to retrieve it in the old and new app, it would appear that the system doesn't think it's the same app. However, I can retrieve other keychain items from the new app so it appears to be signed properly.
In addition, I have a different build of this app that uses a different bundle ID (same app but for testing purposes) and it is able to retrieve the password using the test app's kSecAttrService identifier so it's almost as if the system thinks it's the other app even though the bundle id is different.
The bottom line is what is the keychain api using about the app (other than bundle ID) to determine if it should have access?
I updated to Xcode 13 RC today and using the Simulator is very buggy. Things don't redraw in my app very well. Views are clipped in weird ways and other redraw issues. I even saw some issues with the built-in apps and a sample project (NavBar sample). For example, screen shot is built-in reminders app and the text popup is wrong.
This is using a iPhone 13 mini (iOS 15) simulator. It happens on both my 2019 iMac and a M1 Air. However, using the iPhone 13 Pro simulator has no problems at all. (Haven't tried any others).
Anyone else seeing these issues?
When I try to debug with Xcode 12.0.1, when it hits a break point, it will typically give me a progress indicator forever in the variables view and debugging is hung app (Xcode itself remains responsive). There's been a number of reports like this with older versions and I've tried everything suggested (reboot machine, delete ~/Library/Developer, delete Derived Data and reinstalled Xcode. Nothing has worked.
I rolled back to Xcode 11.7 and it's working fine. This is on an iMac 2020 with 10 cores and 72GB of ram. It appears to work fine on my 2019 MacBook Pro, however. iMac is running latest Catalina and MacBook Pro is on latest Big Sur beta.
Is Xcode 12 just not ready for prime time or is there something I can do to resolve this?
Thanks for any help!