Example Image:
Expected Behavior:
When an XCUIElement is rendered from a screen with (Initial Conditions):
An ImageView with..
isUserInteractionEnabled = YES…
IsAccessibilityElement = YES…
A nested button…
isUserInteractionEnabled = YES…
IsAccessibilityElement = YES…
Assigned to the ImageViews accessibility elements array
XCUIElement’s print statement includes the nested button
Current Behavior:
When an XCUIElement is rendered from a screen with:
(above Initial Conditions)
XCUIElement’s print statement only include the ImageView
Attempted Fixes:
Combinations of the Initial Conditions:
Attempted all combinations of Initial Condition variable values. (ie:
myImageView.accessibilityElements = [imageView, nestedButton]
myImageView.accessibilityElements = [nestedButton]
isUserInteractionEnabled = YES/NO [for both]
IsAccessibilityElement = YES/NO [for both]
Debug Print:
Image View with No Descendants - Image, 0x7fa875d23e80, {{172.7, 292.7}, {45.0, 41.7}}, label: 'demo image'
po element.images and po element.buttons -
Find: Descendants matching type Image
Output: {
Image, 0x7fa876e14e70, {{-8.0, 99.0}, {136.7, 109.3}}
Image, 0x7fa876e14f80, {{-8.0, 741.7}, {136.7, 102.3}}
Image, 0x7fa876e13da0, {{269.7, 737.0}, {136.3, 123.0}}
Image, 0x7fa876e1a060, {{172.7, 292.7}, {45.0, 41.7}}, label: 'demo image'
Output: {
Button, 0x7fa875c12740, {{0.0, 47.0}, {68.0, 44.0}}, label: 'myApp UIKit'
Button, 0x7fa875c24f00, {{338.0, 47.0}, {44.0, 44.0}}, identifier: 'Settings Button', label: 'Settings'
Button, 0x7fa875c2c800, {{175.0, 533.0}, {40.0, 40.0}}
Button, 0x7fa875c2cf30, {{183.0, 541.0}, {24.0, 24.0}}
Button, 0x7fa875c2fa20, {{40.0, 659.3}, {153.0, 44.0}}, label: 'Left'
Button, 0x7fa875c30cd0, {{197.0, 659.3}, {153.0, 44.0}}, label: 'Right'
Comparing the coordinates of the parent image view and the nested button, the button isn't here. The 24x24 button that appears comes from another view on the same screen, noting the ample y coordinate from the parent image view.
Request that Apple, in the spirit of XCUI framework being to be near to human experience include this common design case
Selecting any option will automatically load the page
Hey Auth0,
I am attempting to add the SIWA feature in order to get approved for the AppStore. Up until now the process has been fairly repetitive (Twitter, Discord, Google), however, Apple is doing Apple and I am getting an error page when attempting to SIWA.
Things I’ve Tried:
Adding the Team and Key IDs
Adding SIWA to my current Identifiers in Apple Developer portal
Adding SIWA “Capabilities” in the XCode IDE for the project, thus Revoking and reinitializing the Provisioning Profile
Verified dev tenant
There are many tutorials that mention adding a “Service Id” for SIWA on the Apple Developer portal, however because I have already registered the apps reverse url for other Identities Apple gives me an error that the Identifier has already been used.
Another is, many tutorial mention adding callback urls, which is typical for social connection providers using Auth0, however it isn't obvious based on Apples documentation or UI where to add the callback URLs.