
9 results found






Reply to Migrating to PencilKit
Related to this: I have a drawing canvas as well, and have stored the history for all ink/eraser paths. I'd like to migrate that data into a PKDrawing. It seems that migrating ink can be done by creating new PKStrokes with the point/path/ink data I have. However, I don't see a way to migrate eraser paths. Is there a way to generate new eraser strokes programmatically for a PKDrawing?
Jul ’20
Reply to Migrating to PencilKit
There is not an API to convert from image data into a PencilKit drawing. It is possible to synthesize PencilKit drawings using APIs added in iOS 14. For details check out this session: Inspect, modify, and construct PencilKit drawings - https://developer.apple.com/videos/play/wwdc2020/10148/.
Jun ’20
Shape Detection
Shape detection for Apple Pencil drawing was mentioned as a new feature during the keynote, but I did not see it mentioned in the What's new in PencilKit video and it does not seem to work in a test app I created in iOS 14 Beta 1 using PKCanvasView. It does work in the iOS 14 Notes app. Will this be made available in the public library? It would be so great to have!
Jun ’20