HTTP Live Streaming

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Send audio and video over HTTP from an ordinary web server for playback on Mac, iOS, and tvOS devices using HTTP Live Streaming (HLS).

Posts under HTTP Live Streaming tag

83 Posts
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Downloading HLS Livestream for Offline Usage in SwiftUI
I am developing an iOS app using SwiftUI, and I want to provide the functionality to download an HLS (HTTP Live Streaming) livestream for offline usage. However, I'm facing difficulties finding specific examples or tutorials on how to achieve this in SwiftUI. Could anyone provide me with some guidance or point me to resources that demonstrate how to download HLS livestreams for offline playback using SwiftUI? I would appreciate any code snippets, libraries, or step-by-step explanations that can help me implement this feature successfully. Thank you in advance for your assistance!
Jul ’23
iOS 15 - HLS parallel download issue
Hi, We are using AVPlayer for FPL HLS stream, after migrating to iOS 15 (currently Beta 3), we have observed a strange behavior during segments download; The player downloads last video segment of VOD HLS stream The player downloads all audio segments Playback starts playing from the end (last segment) Needs to restart playback to start downloading all video segments. Note that we do not have this behavior with older versions of iOS (14 and before). m3u8 file Thank you,
Jun ’23
-16832/CoreMediaErrorDomain Warning: restarting from end of live playlist
Hello Guys,Recently, I'm getting this kind of issue on the HLS live streaming content,The error detail is like belowerror -16832/CoreMediaErrorDomain Warning: restarting 12.494080s from end of live playlist; target duration 9s - stall danger for know what this is? It seems make the picture frozen, or degrade the streaming quality. Sometimes end up restarting the playback.Thanks & regards.
Jun ’23