Preference Panes

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Integrate your app's custom preferences into the System Preferences app using Preference Panes.

Posts under Preference Panes tag

6 Posts
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Including a prefpane in App bundle?
Somewhere in the back of my head, I seem to remember that we can include prefPanes in our app store distributed apps these days (much like we can now include driverkit extensions). I can't for the life of me find this in the documentation again though. Can we do this? Or do I need to copy it from my app bundle to ~/Library/PreferencePanes? Thanks!
Jun ’24
Changing Accessibility Settings from Within a Script
Hello, Recently, I've been hacking at trying to find a way for the colors of the system cursor to be changed via an executable (in particular, I'm trying to get them to match the foreground/background colors chosen by wal.) In my most recent investigation, I've located the relevant setting in ~/Library/Preferences/ (which is a wierd place for it to be, but w/e) and attempted to change it via defaults write. This immediately caused all my GUI apps including Finder to crash repeatedly until I went into recovery mode and deleted the changed file. My next direction in this quandary, then, is to make an application that asks for the relevant Accessibility settings (via the standard prompt that I often see) and upon being granted proper permission, is able to make the modifications without breaking the system. Is anyone able to point me towards the documentation for such functionality, if it's possible? Preferably some kind of C or shell interface.
Apr ’24
add app preferences into the visionOS Settings app
Hello everyone, I am currently developing an application for visionOS and would like to integrate my app's preferences into the Settings app. This will allow users to easily access and modify settings specific to my application directly from the system settings interface. I have done this in iOS using Settings.bundle but unfortunately it is not available in visionOS applications. Does anyone know how to achieve this integration? I would greatly appreciate any resources, examples, or tutorials that you can provide to help me with this task. Thank you in advance for your assistance.
Feb ’24
How can I update data in /System/Library/PreferencePanes/DesktopScreenEffectsPref.prefPane ? I download custom video, put it to /Library/Application Support/ added row to /Library/Application Support/ added info to /Library/Application Support/ but new item appears only after system restarting. Can I update data in that preferences?
Oct ’23
Opening the Extension menu in the System Preferences
Hi there, I have two extension in my App, a Finder Sync and a Share Extension. Because these are disabled by default and automatically enabling them is, according to my extensive research, not possible, I want to provide an easy way for the user to enable the extensions when the app is opened. I am currently displaying a popup, with a button to open the preferences. I have struggled with this a bit, by now I managed to open the main preferences window using "")!) which is rather suboptimal though, since the user has to select the extensions option manually and isn't directly redirected there. What I have also found is that the menu of the FinderSyncExtension can be opened directly by using FIFinderSyncController.showExtensionManagementInterface() which is unfortunately suboptimal as well, because it only shows the managment interface of the finder extension and not the overview of all extensions. Is there any way to either enable the extensions programatically, or if not, is there a way to show the "Added Extensions" portion of the Extensions menu in the system preferences?
May ’24