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Help users quickly accomplish tasks related to your app with their voice or with a tap with the Shortcuts API.

Posts under Shortcuts tag

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AppIntent is not notifying MainApp With NSUserActivity in UIKit
This is Siri Intent before iOS 16. func handle(intent: CustomIntent, completion: @escaping (CustomIntentResponse) -> Void) { completion(CustomIntentResponse(code: .continueInApp, userActivity: nil)) } This flow working fine. This is AppIntent after iOS 16. There are 2 ways to continue in app openAppWhenRun = true ForegroundContinuableIntent Protocol only works in SwiftUI But both are not notifying the main app its just opening app without activity. In SiriIntent we can notifiy Main App with completion(CustomIntentResponse(code: .continueInApp, userActivity: nil)) application(_ application: UIApplication, continue userActivity: NSUserActivity, restorationHandler: @escaping ([UIUserActivityRestoring]?) -> Void) -> Bool else its start with didfinishlaunching and we can get useractivity. Is there any solution for after iOS 16 In AppIntent we can notify app and get NSUserActivity?
Jul ’23
Apple Shorcuts to check if it rained today or tomorrow dont trigger shortcut
Dear community, I am having troubles to configure an Apple Shortcut with my Eve Aqua automatic irrigation system. I want the shortcut to run every day at 9 PM, but I need it to check if it rained today or if it is going to rain tomorrow and then stop if its going to rain or was raining today. Otherwise I would need for it to trigger the Eve Aqua scene I have configured which waters the grass for 30 minutes. Does anyone know how I can accurate achieve this in a reliable way? So far I have configured "Get Current Weather at my address", also If Precipitation chance is greater than or equal to 70m, if precipitation amount is greater than or equal to 1mm". But these conditions seem to be ignored... Thanks a lot for your help! Fernando
Jul ’23
add keywords to taken picture
Hi all i want to create a shortcuts task, leting you choose from a number of menu's, where the chosen items will be added as photo keywords or captations to 1 or more subsequent taken pics. the main problem is not being able to add the words, using this method: (it's the Dutch version) the other problem is that i would like to have the choise to take more pictures with a prompt. could someone help me with this problem? thanks a billion!
Jul ’23