
Provide views, controls, and layout structures for declaring your app's user interface using SwiftUI.

SwiftUI Documentation

Posts under SwiftUI tag

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Subjects is an app for students to track timetables, homework, and grades. While having a simple and minimalistic UI, under the hood, it is packed with advanced features to deal with complex schedules, assignments, and grading. The app's primary focus is to give students relevant details about what's happening now and coming next. So we boiled down the main UI into two most frequently used views Timetable and Homework. The key unique feature is sharing information with classmates who attend the same school or courses. The idea is to reduce the amount of work required to configure the app for the needs of a particular student. In that scenario, students can collaborate to share common timetables and assignments, and everyone will have up-to-date information on their devices.
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Over the summer I built a pond, and recorded a time-lapse of me doing so. It was so much fun watching it back and playing around with it, that I decided to have a crack at making an app to do all the the stuff I wanted from a time-lapse recording app. And here we have the beginnings of it in Lapsey. Some of the notable features in Lapsey include: Multiple time-lapse projects. Export your time-lapses in 4k. Playback your time-lapses before exporting (useful if you have hundreds of photos and don't want to wait around for an export to view your work). Change your exporting bitrate. Organise and delete frames prior to exporting. Let me know if you have any feedback. This is a long term project for me, and its nice to finally have an app on the store that feels like there are tonnes of features to include down the line.
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Hi Reddit! Excited to share my App - Pal! At a high level, the app works by using the ChatGPT API and your own API Key. This allows you to use GPT-3.5 and GPT-4 through the API rather than having to pay a flat $20/month for ChatGPT Plus! I eventually added some nice to have features such as: API Key access to GPT-3.5, GPT-4, DALL•E (and Google PaLM!) Conversation History Support (New!) Ability to edit both the question and the AI response (Famously missing in the official app) Saving multiple prompts Saving multiple system messages Ability to adjust the temperature See the token length and cost of the conversation Hope you find the app useful! And of course, the app collects no data! (You can verify this by opening Settings and going to Privacy>App Privacy Report). App Store Link as well: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/pal-a-chatbot-client/id6447545085?platform=iphone
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Serifian is a client for Typst, a modern typesetter. With Serifian, you can build high-quality documents, with real-time compilation, access to online packages, syntax highlighting and autocompletion. Serifian is currently available for iPadOS, but a native macOS version is in the works. Roadmap: PDF export macOS app Templates Basic image editor Integrated documentation viewer Sketching Full support for drag-and-drop Custom additional fonts Project import and export
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Hi all, Like many others, I spend way too much time mindlessly scrolling through my phone at pointless crap and not enough time doing things beneficial to me, like exercising, being outside and being present. After calculating how much time I was due to spend on my phone over my lifetime (around 24 years! 🤢), I decided to build something to try and combat this. Introducing…. FitLock FitLock is a highly customisable app blocker that uses Apple Health and Screen Time to unlock whichever selection of apps you decide for a specified time whenever you reach your fitness goal via a number of different health metrics. Currently, you can set goals with step count, calorie count, exercise time, stand time, cycle distance and move distance. However, the plan is to add more in the future with the addition of support for wheelchair users. Some examples of schedules you could create are: Unlock Instagram for 30 minutes each time you hit 2000 steps in a day, or, unlock a food delivery service on Friday if you complete an hour of exercise. Features of FitLock…. - No account sign up. iCloud sync support will be coming. - Blocklists and allowlists. Choose to either block specific apps, or with allowlists you can block all apps except a specified list - Strict mode. Prevent being yourself from being able to delete FitLock or any other app whilst a schedule is active. You will also not be able to modify a schedule whilst it is active. - Moderate mode. Not able to dismiss the Lock Screen, but you can modify the schedule if you wish. - Lenient mode. You’ll see your health goal progress on the Lock Screen, but you can dismiss it if you really want to 👎. - Stats. Compare historic health and screen time stats to see how you are progressing. - Plus many more to come I need your help… I’m calling on you good people to help me test the beta version of the app and let me know your thoughts, how I can improve it, and any bugs/issues you find before the final release that will (hopefully) be next month. To submit new feature requests I have a handy little feature board here:https://fitlock.io/feature-board/ Excited to hear your thoughts!
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Hello all! My iOS app is in app review and I have the release planned for October 15th! For those who haven't seen my previous post, I have created an all-in-one cubing utility! The Mac version of the app is now in beta (The Mac version is still in beta app review should be out by tomorrow), and should be coming out in the next few weeks.
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Hi All, This app is all about making, watching, and organizing compilations of your favorite clips from MP4 files on your iPad or iCloud Drive. Since exporting clips is optional, you can trim, combine, and experiment without taking up all of your storage space with more files. This new version adds more video effects (zoom, speed, and preset volume), but I'm also interested in general feedback too: What's missing? What could be better? What do you like? It will be available past this weekend, with a plan to release it on the App Store late next week. Thanks for reading and hope you check it out. https://apps.apple.com/app/id6450960072 https://replaylistapp.com/ https://discord.gg/fnZVXtvs https://twitter.com/replaylistapp
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Hi all! I’ve recently built Cozy Couples, an app that helps couples feel connected, even when they’re apart. Inside your virtual home, you can send notes, answer questions, share your mood, add photos, play games together, and more! And don’t forget to take care of your cat and miniature bonsai tree :) I’d love for you to give it a try! Any feedback or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
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Hello! I have been working on an app that allows you to time Rubik's cube solves! It uses SwiftData and SwiftUI, and is also going to have a Mac version in the future! It does have a few issues in the statistics area if your time goes above a minute, but other than that, I think it is pretty good and I am targeting to publish sometime this month or early next month. It would be helpful if you tested this app. Thanks!
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Hello, all! I'm excited to share the public beta for QR Pop, a robust QR code generator built with privacy in mind. The app supports countless design customization options, most system extensions, and offline/iCloud storage. The complete app is available on: iOS iPadOS macOS While a unique companion experience is available on: watchOS tvOS The companion experiences allow users to view QR codes saved to their iCloud-based "archive" both from their wrist as well as on the big screen. I am constantly working to improve this app to create the best QR code-generating experience possible for Apple devices. To that end, your feedback is instrumental. As I hinted at above, QR Pop is a completely private experience. No data collection, no tracking, no ads. The software is available open source and the app is free to download and use. Thanks for reading and, if you choose to join, I hope you enjoy the app!
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Hey y'all! I'm Trev and for the past month or so I have been working on a note taking app made specifically for the Apple Watch, and it has just now gotten approved by Apple for beta testing. What is Wrist Notes? Wrist Notes is the notes app made specifically for Apple Watch. Gone are the days of using the Apple Watch version of major note applications, where the Apple Watch version is often clunky and forgotten about. Wrist Notes is only available for Apple Watch (so far, anyways), and I am devoted to making it the best note taking companion for your wrist that it can possibly be. Will my Apple Watch work with Wrist Notes beta? Wrist Notes works on any Apple Watch running watchOS 10 beta 5 or up. It requires watchOS 10 so I can take full advantage of everything the new OS has to offer. When will Wrist Notes be officially released? Wrist Notes will be officially released as soon as watchOS 10 is officially released.
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CamPlan provides an incredibly fast way to create modern floor plans using AR & AI. It takes full advantage of RoomPlan, RealityKit, and ARKit. The users can scan their home using just their device. After the scanning process, they can observe and edit the floor plans in 2D, in 3D, and also in AR. The app provides carefully crafted images and 3D models for the pieces of furniture. CamPlan has been updated to make the most of the iOS 17 RoomPlan & RealityKit features: Support for big areas: The users can now scan bigger areas (more than 700 square ft). (RoomPlan’s MultiRoom feature) We have tested internally the feature with multiple large areas with success. Here is one example: https://camplan.app/ios17.mp4 Enhanced 3D pieces of furniture: The app can give more details about your scanned furniture. For instance, it will be able to detect how many legs the chairs have, does it have arms, etc... These details will be visible both in 2D and 3D representations. (RoomPlan’s object attribute features) Room recognition: It can also detect the rooms on your floor plan, and adds automatically Text to them. (RoomPlan’s Section feature) Floor recognition: During the scanning, CamPlan assigns the floor number to the scanned area. Therefore, it will automatically detect whether it is a ground floor, first floor, etc... (RoomPlan’s Story feature) Accessibility: The scanning feature supports VoiceOver.
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Hi everyone, I've been working on the app for a while now and getting ready to launch on the App Store very soon, possibly within 2 weeks! SubManager allows you to keep track of your subscriptions such as Netflix, Game Pass, Disney+ etc. and get notified before a subscription is renewed. With the number of subscription services growing over time, an app like this is essential for keeping track of all the services you subscribed to. The app also has a premium tier called SubManager+. It is a one time payment granting you access to some additional features. Some features I plan to include are: iCloud Sync (free users can export to JSON and import to another device) App Lock Archiving subscriptions Categories Change the app icon to your local currency The app will not have any ads and will allow you to track an unlimited number of subscriptions whether you have the paid version or not. You can download the app from https://testflight.apple.com/join/lBTiWB9d. The app is available for iPhone, iPad and M1/M2 Macs. Do check it out and let me know your feedback, any requests will be taken into consideration for the launch version or a future update.
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'DayBright: Daily Inspiration' is your everyday companion guiding you to thrive in work and life. We deliver daily nuggets of f wisdom aimed at inspiring you to nurture balance, mindfulness, and overall well-being. Widgets with everyday advices, automatics refreshing, scheduled notifications with topics advices. SwiftData, interactive widgets. iOS 17 only. So far has problems with iOS 17 beta 6 (hope we will see new Xcode soon)