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Implement good typography technique, make the most of the advanced features in Apple system fonts, and integrate custom fonts.

Posts under Typography tag

25 Posts
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How to get SF Pro semi-rounded
Apple's Weather app StandBy widget uses a font for the temperature that I can't seem to find how to access. As far as I can tell, it is some variant of SF Pro, but it isn't the default and it isn't rounded. To my eye the slightly rounded corners look significantly better in places where the text is really large. Does anyone have any idea how to specify the mystery font as seen in the included image?
Sep ’23
Font Sizes Issue ( Custom and System ) Xcode 15 Beta & iOS17 Beta
I am having issues with the Font Sizes on iOS17 Beta. When running the app in the simulator and on the device, the font weight for my app suddenly changed. For example, it has always been "Regular" and it changed to "Semibold" even thought its set to be in "Regular". I am also adding a new label, and no matter what I do to the size, it does not change. On the storyboard is shows the correct size I set, but then running it on the simulator or in my device running iOS17 Beta it shows smaller or the the regular size of 17. Is anyone else experiencing this issue?
Oct ’23
Difference between .SFUI-Regular and SF-PRo
Hello, The system font for iOS is SF-Pro, as mentioned here: https://developer.apple.com/design/human-interface-guidelines/typography. "SF Pro is the system font in iOS and iPadOS." However, when I print the font, created with `[UIFont systemFontOfSize:18.0 weight:UIFontWeightRegular], I get the following info: <UICTFont: 0x114f1f400> font-family: ".SFUI-Regular"; font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; font-size: 18.00pt. If SF-Pro is the system font , shouldn't the font family be some variation of SFPro? How come it prints font-family: ".SFUI-Regular" Thank you
Aug ’23
Can we use SF Pro fonts in apps?
I'm confused about the SF Pro fonts. Can these be used in our apps? I tried pasting characters from SF Pro into a label, but was unable to get them to display properly. "SF Pro" doesn't appear in the list of available fonts in Xcode. If these are not intended to be used by app developers, then what is their purpose? Are "SF Symbols" different that SF Pro? What about the list of icons that appears in the "Symbols Library" in Xcode? There are so many different sources of symbols and icons, it is very confusing. If any of these sources is OK to use in an iOS app, is it also OK to export them for use in the event that business needs require me to create an alternate version of my app for some hypothentical non-iOS platform? Thanks, Frank
Oct ’23