I'm not sure why I'm struggling with this but, can I use a third party payment processor to purchase raffle tickets in an app?
The guidelines are this:
5.3 Gaming, Gambling, and Lotteries
Gambling, gaming, and lotteries can be tricky to manage and tend to be one of the most regulated offerings on the App Store. Only include this functionality if you’ve fully vetted your legal obligations everywhere you make your app available and are prepared for extra time during the review process. Some things to keep in mind:
- 5.3.1 Sweepstakes and contests must be sponsored by the developer of the app.
- 5.3.2 Official rules for sweepstakes, contests, and raffles must be presented in the app and make clear that Apple is not a sponsor or involved in the activity in any manner.
- 5.3.3 Apps may not use in-app purchase to purchase credit or currency for use in conjunction with real money gaming of any kind, and may not enable people to purchase lottery or raffle tickets or initiate fund transfers in the app.
- 5.3.4 Apps that offer real money gaming (e.g. sports betting, poker, casino games, horse racing) or lotteries must have necessary licensing and permissions in the locations where the App is used, must be geo-restricted to those locations, and must be free on the App Store. Illegal gambling aids, including card counters, are not permitted on the App Store. Lottery apps must have consideration, chance, and a prize.
5.3.3 clearly states that you can't use "in-app purchases" to purhcase raffle tickets. I'm thinking that this is Apples's in app purchase platform, and would not apply to third part processors (ie: Stripe). If not, why would 5.3.4 exist?
Thanks for any help clarifiing this.
I'm not sure that in ....."you seem to say in this thread, that this is ok" ... the meaning of that second "this" is the same as what you are proposing.
"Apps .....may not enable people to purchase lottery or raffle tickets or initiate fund transfers in the app."
What you described will appear to the user as if they are doing it in the app. App Review may object, or they may not. It depends on the meaning of the words "in the app" to the App Reviewer. It also depends on "initiate".
So......A) if it is transparent to the user that the purchase (through Stripe/Amazon, etc.) is not being done in the app then 'NO'. B) If instead you require that the user close the app, open Safari, log into their account on your website and make the purchase using Stripe, get credits from that purchase in their account, reopen the app and log into their account on your website, and only then buy raffle tickets in the app then 'YES'. Anywhere in between - unclear.
I think you can try in the app saying
"You will now be taken outside of the app to our website where you will be able to make purchases of Coins that can be used to purchase Raffle Tickets."
and you border a UIWebView within the app so it's clear it's a 'different environment than the app', then you will most likely be ok. But this is all, IMHO.