Apple Mail Forces Sign In Gmail

10.14.4 Beta (18E174f)

Apple mail keeps asking for sign in and passwords for my gmail accounts and others.

I'm seeing this same issue with the final release build 18E226. Same issue duplicated on two different machines.


Updated to release build of 10.14.4 last night, and the issue is still present. I don't know if this is a reversion in the build, or a leftover problem from using the beta, but zoocoup's experience is not encouraging.

I'm also seeing this issue on the MAS release of 10.14.4 with my custom domain that uses Gmail for Business. My personal Gmail account is fine.

Same here after updating to 10.14.4.

Only affecting a GSuite account. Personal Gmail accounts work fine.

The account works on an iPhone XS updated to iOS 12.2, but not on two Macs that were updated to 10.14.4 (my bad not waiting).

Strangely enough, it *also* doesn't work on an old iPhone 5S I keep around for App testing that was updated to 12.2, but that's not that a big concern for me.

- I've experienced the authentication loop.

- I deactivated and reactivated the account.

- I fully deleted and tried re-adding the account.

- I deleted all related keychain entries and reentered my password on the login page.

- I restarted.

- I've tried clicking that unlock page on Google to no avail:


I submitted a bug report.

I am also having this issue with Gsuite applications and the authentication loop (for my school email for example, not personal). BR also submitted

This issue is now happening in iOS 12.2

One workaround is to create App/Device Password.

It is not ideal, but it will work for now.

Accounts with do not seem to be affected.

Accounts using G-Suite are effected.

This bug has been reported since 10.14.4 beta 1 and still persists in 10.14.4 (build 18E226)

I can still create those G-Suite enterprise accounts (with Shibboleth) reliably and repeatably in Mac OS 10.13.6, but they aren't available in Mac OS 10.14.4 or iOS 12.2 since betas v1, as you said; however, my shiny brand-new News+ and TV+ apps work flawlessly. Maybe that team can look into the Mail app?

I will look into the authentication process in High Sierra or Mojave 10.14.3.

In macOS Mojave 10.14.4, to add a Google hosted account, System Preferences opened a special Safari window in Private Browsing Mode.

Screenshot here:

It is as if that Safari does not properly forward the token to System Preferences.

Same issue in 10.14.5 ß1

After the Safari authentication window, I get the following error from Internet Accounts WIndow:

Enter the password for the account "(null)".

Google requires completing authentication in Safari.

I've decided to reinstall macOS Mojave 10.4.3 on my main MacBook Pro.

Does anyone have issues logging in to Office365-hosted accounts with macOS 10.14.4, iOS 12.2, macOS 10.14.5 beta, and iOS 12.3 beta?

It seems that Google, Apple or Both have fixed this issue on the server side.

Comfirming the same. This appears to be fixed.

Those having issues, try to authenticate now. It should go through.

Someone made a change, and it conveniently didn't require a software update.


It is likely the "fix" was on the server side.

Assuming that Apple did not do anything "in the middle", it must have been Google who made the changes to fix the bug.

Also working here now. Definitely a server-side fix, as this system hasn't even been rebooted since I last tried and it resulted in the endless loop of verification.

Use Mail app version 12.4 (3445.104.2) from MacOS 10.14.3 it solves all issues. Rename it to Mail Old and copy it to the Aplication folder. You can get it from your backup.

Apple Mail Forces Sign In Gmail