When iOS will support web push notifications?


Progressive Web Apps is a trend in 2019 and web push notifications for iOS are not supported right now.

Do you have a date for the web push support?


Yes, this is absurd.
Hmm, any day now Apple
Apparently voicing our opinion publicly is less effect than delivering it to their big board. So make sure to do both!

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Title it what you may! Select WebKit and then Suggestion. And write away how this will help our users.

For me I don’t need any low level apis for the applications the Dubsado builds. We don’t need fancy emulation. And we don’t need to jump through the hoops of writing a second app just to achieve push notifications.

We need to be able to tell our users when they’ve received updates on projects and invoices and the various features we use.

Allowing/growing/and encouraging PWA’s doesn’t necessarily mean no one will use the App Store. PWA are great on Android, yet I still enjoy the app market there. But while on the topic, maybe another idea for the Feedback Assistant will be allowing for PWA’s to be listed on the App Store.
Apple is waiting way too long to unlock web push. When it happens it'll be too little too late. Devs start a revolution instead of begging the apple for crumbs. What happens when China stops buying iphones because they can't download weChat from the App store?
At least if you have no intensions on enabling notifications for IOS, then please advise so I/we can make an app to cover Apples side. But for sure, don't leave DEVs hanging here when you have a method(); of communicating to help us move forward.

What if we create an app that proxies push notifications for various apps? Is it possible to change the app logo per notification? I’d pay for that. I mean, I’d rather have the real deal, but... isn’t this whole thread related to the Free Fortnite movement? A big company choosing to restrict freedom within its platform? Isn’t the lack of this feature an extension of Apple’s lack of respect for the smaller developer?
Still nothing... Apple is on the edge of technology )
Guys, it is all about App Store.
Web Push Notification means PWA which means no need to publish the app in App Store.
So, Apple will not allow Web Push Notification in the near future.

My opinion...

  • 1 For PWA Web Push Notification. Apple, where is the innovation spirit?

Now you only smell like stinky cash pile.
@Apple any updates?
Apple... it's a really bad taste to not update the community on this matter... Please tell us when we the web push will be available!
It will be great if apple supports few setting for PWA. So users can enable or disable notifications for the corresponding app.
Dear Apple,

I just signed the petition on change.org to get you to implement Web Push. Just search "web push".

You are going to lose support from your loyal customers over this glaring omission.

Apple, you don't appreciate that writing an App for your devices takes a lot of time, money and expertise that smaller companies simply don't have. Most Apps can now be written as PWA (progressive web application) websites instead. PWAs are just regular websites with a few modern additions written in standard JavaScript. Just imagine - your users could have access to thousands more App-like websites, but you are preventing this from happening.

Because of this omission, Apple are effectively bullying smaller companies into writing expensive Apps, and denying their own phone users to be contacted by their favourite websites, whereas users on desktop PCs and on Android mobile phones can be contacted easily. Web Push enables instantaneous messaging from a website to a phone user. It's a brilliant new component in global web technology, and everybody except Apple has implemented it.

Apple, it won't take long for your phone users to realise that their favourite sites, written as modern PWAs, work great on other devices, but not on yours. If you want to keep your loyal customers, please give them access to the amazing websites being enjoyed by Android users, using this easy-to-deploy International Standard called Web Push.

Mac MacLaren
Editor, Lemonrock Gig Guide

This is embarrasing. Could you just answer Apple?

May i propose a boycut?
PWA does not mean that everyone will go around the Apple store. You can simply list your app onto the app store for the best of both worlds. This is best for all parties, and maybe a few more signatures on Change.org or maybe .... an angry mob of programmers will unite ..... or Congress will realize that Apple is abusing their position in the market and ... what do you call it? demonopolize? #microsoft1999

And for good spirit and my 7 year old, #freeFortnite
Pushing apps that could be PWA’s (no low level logic needed) is a security design concern.

I would further like to advocate for PWA’s because I believe they would be a safer sandbox to load apps.

In my understanding, PWA’s most likely do not have the problem of cut/copy vulnerabilities seen in previous ios versions and would be sandboxed away from future vulnerabilities accidentally added into the operating system.
42nd comment! Random video YOUTUBE:2Z6UJbwxBZI ... just to keep up the banter!
Apple... c'mon. Do it. Please.
This is long overdue...
Please Apple 🥺
Maybe Apple simply doesn't know how to implement web push for PWA on iOS? That must be the only valid explanation for why they haven't done it yet ;-)
Apple's App Store revenue last year is $64 billion . Enabling 'push notification' will reduce this revenue dramatically, as most of the apps will move to PWA. That is the one reason they are putting this feature on hold.
The whole world and Steve Jobs himself consider this to be the future, but I think Apple cannot even reply to this title due to its marketing strategies.
Hi All. I will also be happy to see the Web Push Notifications on iOS!
hey apple, would really appreciate if you enable push-notifiactions for pwa's and it seems i'm not the only one. thank you!
I found a workaround that lets you send push notifications to iPhones.. took me 8 months because theres no information about it on youtube :) *i see what you did there apple*

If anyones interested id love to talk to you about it on my twitter @3dom_dev
Im about to implement push notifications on iOS this way in a webapp for gyms myself!

Might also release an npm lib for it soon
When iOS will support web push notifications?