When iOS will support web push notifications?


Progressive Web Apps is a trend in 2019 and web push notifications for iOS are not supported right now.

Do you have a date for the web push support?


Post not yet marked as solved Up vote post of diegohueltes Down vote post of diegohueltes
  • The main reason not allowing push notification is because if they allow it then most of the developers will use this instead of native app development and App Store can not review the pwa apps because of that many security issues will come

  • This wouldn't be a bad thing.

  • "App Store can not review the pwa apps because of that many security issues will come" - :))))

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Not only push but also "Add to home screen" is a problem. So I forced the guide popup to appear like this. is this the best ??


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This is a system I built to handle web app installation.

I didn’t write the app just the installation framework. Apple requires Safari to add to home screen so this system detects web view and directs to Safari. It also works well with Android. I like to think of it as an App Store for web apps.


  • I love this! This is a great presentation for how the download option can be seamless. No more 400mb downloads for apps that could have simply be added to the home screen.

    Ideally Apple will forgo the Safari requirement as that means session data, password storage, and meta things like crypto wallets will not be as interoperable.

    Very nice!

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  • This will be the most democratizing event of the 21st century. Software should have access to the lowest barrier to entry. There should be no gate keepers especially keepers that charge 30% of all processed fees!

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Supposedly this is coming but is it?

2022 and still waiting for web push notifications...

"Keep an eye out for Web Push on iOS and iPadOS in 2023."


Hi all, it is really take time but finally iOS and Ipad 16.4 beta1 are support web push! So notifications from web app can display on the lock screen, in notification center now.

From now on, any home screen web app can request permission to receive push notification and you do not need to be a member of the Apple development program to do that. And like typical iOS push notification, user can manage it thru website menu in safari or device setting app likes other app.

For more detail pls visit - https://developer.apple.com/videos/play/wwdc2022/10098/

March 27th, 2023 - Apple invented Web Push Notifications. 7 Years after Google had it rolled out on Android devices. Crazy how Google was much faster to roll out something Apple invented themselves!