When iOS will support web push notifications?


Progressive Web Apps is a trend in 2019 and web push notifications for iOS are not supported right now.

Do you have a date for the web push support?


I'm new to these forums but have been working on PWAs for a while now and see them as a cornerstone for future app development, especially in an enterprise environment. Please Apple Devs, we need web push support. I know there are many developers in the community that feel the same way.



+2 come on, please!


Apple, Steve Jobs himself wanted this technology with the original iPhone. You're supporting PWAs now. What's one additional allowance going to hurt? Web Push works everywhere else. My iPhone users need this.


Just a quick reminder that everyone w/the same opinion can make themselves heard by filing an enhancement request via the bug reporter/suggestion link below, being sure to add their report # to the thread for reference, thanks and good luck.


Year 2019: Notifications in the PWA (iOS) is a priority.

Apparently not

Is there any news on this or PWA support more broadly coming out of WWDC2019?

I can't believe, that there is still no response to this feature. As a developer of several webshops, I have to say, that many of my customers aren't able to pay for an own app, and its also no need for it. But it is existential today, to reach the Webshop customers over a push notification, if you want to stay in business


Why there is no offical response to this thread?

Developing PWA need this feature to replace native app or hybrid development, and Push Notification very important part of PWA. please consider it as top of your next releases.

hi all,
I just implemented PWA for my website and I'm so in love how fast and comfortable it is but the sadest thing (besides the Web Push Notification support of course) is that there is no way to show some native popup for "Add to Home Screen" just like on Android, and you have to show some tolltips with an instruction how to get the PWA.

I'm really looking forward to hear updates about these 2 features 😟

Another 3 months later and no response 😟
To echo the reponse from gayaneff, we have just implemented PWA for our SAAS product. Android users love it. Apple users........meh.
I could live with just the push notifications!

Push notifications for PWA would be a big step towards democratizing the app experience on iOS. It is difficult to maintain two codebases to run a web app and a native app. Any of the wrapper utils are just band aides. This would be a huge win for all. 10,000 +1’s to this thread.

Please enable this Apple. Embrace the open web standards!

Yes, well said. Let's go Apple!

Add Push for PWA in iOS 14 please!
This is a critical feature for my app 😔
While feature requests are not uncommon in the developer forums, this is a fairly informal place for tracking such things.

"+1"ing a dev forums post is nowhere near as effect as filing an issue with Feedback Assistant. Please do with specific use cases!
In the WWDC2020 “What’s new for web developers”. They are talking about supporting Service Workers but it is not clear if they (finally) support the Push API in iOS14. Does anyone have an update on this? So many people are waiting for this feature!
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Was anything mentioned about support for PWA Push Notifications in iOS 14 mentioned at WWDC 2020? This could be very beneficial!

Apple, don't let Android leave you in the dust on this.

Don't hold your breath. Apple is and always has been closed and controlling, their MO is not to give up any control until they absolutely have to in order to remain relevant in the discipline in question. They will always try to own the game before giving in and joining the community, so no, they don't give a rat's *** about open development. Not to mention they make bank by charging confiscatory rates to partake in their mandatory distribution means (i.e. Apple Store) -- hence the lawsuits, and by all rights there should be an antitrust action. Best thing you can do is to build killer PWA apps with features that will be by default Android exclusives, only if there are enough of these will Apple's selfishness motivate them to do the right thing.
Can't wait for Web Push!! Please @APPLE give us a clearly deadline!
Can't believe this is still not available on iOS devices in July 2020!
Whilst searching for more info I came across a petition on change.org titled 'Apple Inc.: Implement web push notifications on iOS devices'
Don't know if its already been mentioned but there's nothing to loose by signing the petition, maybe they'll listen?

When iOS will support web push notifications?