Unable to renew developer subscription

For two days already cannot renew my developer subscription. The whole process goes as expected, but with an error in the end:

- - - - - >8 - - - - -

We are unable to complete your order

There was an issue when we processed your order. Verify that your information is correct and try again. If you need further assistance contact us.

Please enter a valid product.

- - - - - >8 - - - - -

The product is selected and indicated right below the error message:

Apple Developer Program

US$ 99

Your order will be charged in U.S. dollars.

Order Total: US$ 99

Please advise what can be the reason?

Tried three different browsers, on OSX and Windows.

I have same issue and can't renew account, anyone can help?


Same issue!

me too!!! :s

same issue, can't renew for 3-4 days, get me mad

Same issue here 😟

Same here....

I am running out of time...

Same here

same issue. 😟

It works now,

I don't know why, maybe apple did something. If you still get the error, try to do it in evening time. The order was successfully created for me at 7pm, timezone +6.

Same issue. Anybody solved please?

No response from apple support also.

I have same issue and can't renew account, anyone can help? thanks you

I am also facing the same scenario.

Pls help

We are unable to complete your order

There was an issue when we processed your order. Verify that your information is correct and try again. If you need further assistance contact us.

This happened to me also.
I entered all the details correctly but transation got failed again and again with same error you have posted. I also searched a lot about this error and found nothing corresponding to this issue.
Finally, After some investigation, found the issue that my bank account was in dormant state so this issue can be resolved after contacting bank.

In the dormant state, we can view our account details or transactions but can't do any transation. Its a simple process to activate your account, just contact your bank branch and you will get your account activated back again immediately.

Now my order is in processing.

Hope this helps someone who is in trouble.

Thanks !

The issue is related to the web form that could not be submitted because of a invalid product: Please enter a valid product.

After Apple will fix the web form problem we could submit again successfully.

I have tried with 3 different credit cards, so this isnt the case

Same thing here. I tried both Safari and Chrome. My card is active, so I guess that is not an issue.

We are unable to complete your order

There was an issue when we processed your order. Verify that your information is correct and try again. If you need further assistance contact us.

Please enter a valid product

Same issue. Anybody solved please?????


I have the same error, my account will expire on February 15, please help!

Any luck?

****, mine expires tomorrow! I have been trying for a whole week.

I don't get any response from support that I have contacted it.

Do I have to beg apple to take the money or what?? 🙂

I wouldn't expect that this can happen here...

Same error here. My account expires 02/10.

Now i received the error:

We are unable to complete your order

There was an issue when we processed your order. Verify that your information is correct and try again. If you need further assistance contact us.

An invalid value '29702440' was provided for the parameter 'postalCode'.

I don't know what to do.


It worked for me today. So you guys may try now. I had problems few days ago but now everything seems to be working fine...

I have a similar issue.

"An invalid value was provided for the parameter postalCode"

I'm having the "postalCode" issue.

Does anyone who had the same error, found a fix?

We are unable to complete your order

There was an issue when we processed your order. Verify that your information is correct and try again. If you need further assistance contact us.

An invalid value '96205140' was provided for the parameter 'postalCode'.

(The postal code is correct - I checked it many times)

I am still having this error:

An invalid value '13085260' was provided for the parameter 'postalCode'.

I've already tried with two differents credit cards and with differents address, none of them works.

Is anyone else still having this issue?

Yeah, it seems that something is really wrong with that submission form. Even I succsseded in renewing the membership, I got partially incorrect invoice receipt. But I made a screenshot after I've made a purchase, so I am sure that there was no error on my side.

I am awating a response from support now. Not sure should I even click the activation link or not. This is annoying...

Unable to renew developer subscription