Why is the itunesconnect.com web site so slow?

After developing a number of apps over the last few years, I'm wondering why the itunesconnect.com web site is so hopelessly unresponsive when trying to add builds for external testers and almost any other use. I'm hoping that with hundreds of builds uploaded I'm missing something that I should be doing to remedy this problem. Any help is appreciated. Thanks.

I'm having the same issue. The website seems to really struggle if you upload lots of builds for the same app.

Why is this still going on? The itunesconnect website runs so ungodly slow even when using Safari on a genuine Mac. It's been extremely slow for months.

Developer accounts aren't a free thing. We pay a premium every year. Why is the software quality not matching the price?

Might be all that churning going on with the 30 day deadline hitting all those apps that risked being bounced out if not updated...or all those bids and keywords flying around since search ads just went live...or the interns are in charge while the principals are all out renewing their train-the-trainer certificates.

Matters not tho, which mac you use if the delays are remote and iTC is being pounded.

But yes, the backend is either down or slow or something other than hitting on all 8, as a routine. Not much to do but be patient and keep trying.

This 100%. The itunes connect website runs HORRIFICALLY slow It makes no sense whatsoever. The biggest company in the world is running this entire backend on a single blade or something? *** is with the speed of the site. It takes 10+ seconds for every single page to load.

Trying to send a 20 word response to App Review. Click the send button, 5 minutes later a Gateway Timeout.

Gateway Timeout

The proxy server did not receive a timely response from the upstream server.

Reference #1.835d417.1487781242.39a160da

If it weren't so critical to our business and stresfful, it would be funny.

Having a hard time with the iTunes connect today too. Trying to push an update out. I'm able to get to the page that lists on all my apps (which takes a bit of time, but loads eventually), but when I click the app I'm trying to update, I get a spinner that goes on and on and on and.

Now I'm getting Error: 500 internal server error.

This is an absolute disgrace. I'm on the phone with Apple Dev now. I know they will politely do nothing, after you go through the process of sending them screen shots and system data. They will send it to their "engineering team", essentially a black hole of nothingness.

iTunesconnect – what a piece of crap.

It is always slow. Maybe Apple should take up a donation for a new faster server? After all, they don't have much cash, do they?

Most likely cause: Steve Jobs passed away!

Appstoreconnect pages react very slow, almost impossible to enter something. This happens since I use (German) Telecom for internet access. Tested on other providers this seems not to be so slow.

I contacted Telecom, they could not help, because this happens only after I log in and I do not want to give them my credentials. And even if Steve passed away, this should not happen. I currently need more than one hour just to upload and describe an app update!

Apple really lacks when it comes to service. They clearly not a service company. Even Apple Music is slow... iTunes has been slow for so many years. Xcode has been horrifically slow for years. I do not know why people put up with Apple so much and not tell them to make things fast. Things have been extremely slow for so many years. Even if you have the fastest internet on the globe icloud.com will be slow, Developer.apple.com will be slow, itunes connect will be insanely slow. I am really sick and fed up with it. Whats worse membership is not free.

I've been having a super-hard time loading the https://appstoreconnect.apple.com website and performing any operations on my apps today. Judging by the previous post it's something that is affecting multiple users...

The entire internet is under an atypical load, and you're complaining as if nothing was abnormal...

This seems to be intentional by Apple

Interesting...wait until stock holders learn that Apple has taken direct steps to purposely interfere with and cripple App Store earnings.

Why is the itunesconnect.com web site so slow?