Notes App Self Scrolls

I just filed a bug report for the Notes app as follows:

Area: Notes

Summary: When opening Notes with content that is larger than the open Notes App window, and attempting to edit the note, the entire note content scrolls automatically to the top although the cursor remains where text editing was inserted. Typing on the Smart Keyboard will allow text entry however the note insistently keeps scrolling to the top regardless of how often or how much text is entered into the note. Scrolling the note manually with your touch will stop the action from occurring, however that is intermittent and sometimes will scroll automatically as well. This issue will occur on both iPad and iPhone and regardless of the app is used full screen on the iPad or in Split Screen. When the Notes window is not focused and the user is engaging an app in the other split screen window, the Note window does not scroll, only when it is the focused App.

Steps to Reproduce:

1. Open Notes

2. Begin to edit the note by scrolling down and selecting text or placing your cursor to enter text.

3. More likely to happen with a note which has enough text to enable scrolling of the note.

Expected Results: The note body of text should not scroll while editing or entering text and should remain where placed either by scrolling to the place of entry with using touch or with moving the cursor with the direction keys of the Smart Keyboard.

Actual Results: The note scrolls on its own without intervention.

Version: IOS Beta 10.0(14A5261v)

Configuration: iPad Pro 12.9" and iPhone 6S both with iOS beta 10.0

I just tested this again with the newly released DP Beta 2 for iOS 10 and it is still scrolling to the top of the page while attempting to edit or add text to any note in the notes app.

Also still no response to my filed bug report as of 2 weeks ago and still nothing today.

Same problem, iOS 10 beta1 & beta2 Glue found: looks like it happens only if the note created on iOS 10 device. If the note created on Mac (10.11.5) and then synced via iCloud - it works correctly

And i guess Apple does not give a sh..t b/c 4 years later no more responses here, and the issue still exists...
Oh, my god...
the issue exists for more than 5 years!!!

I am seeing similar issue. It is affecting my usability of a pdf with notes app along with Apple Pencil. As soon as I start underlining the entire scroll goes haywire. Is there a way to disable the scroll bar ?


crap .....the issue is still there , no one cares, what a shame!!!!!!!

I bought my iPad Pro only to use for notes with the pencil and this problem drives me crazy, did I waste a fortune on the iPad... Apple it is time to fix this!

Similar thing happens in Big Sur 11.1 when typing in notes and using the backspace button.

Have the same annoying issue. Please fix it.

Apple, where are you on this? Nothing else does this, so it shouldn’t be hard to fix. It’s obviously hard to type when you can’t see the part of the document where you are typing.


I am on ios15.1.1 on an iphone 13!!!!

I’m not sure whether to laugh or cry at this point, Apple truly does not care for its customer base. 5 years for a bug that should take no effort to resolve.

Apple: A Constant Disappointment

Nearly 2022, ios 15.1.1, iphone 13 Pro. Issue still exist. what a joke.

when switching from plain view to keyboard view (when clicking in the text) and trying to scroll, it will teleport you elsewhere because the scrollbar is not the same height depending of the view.

how are these issues still here? Let’s all contact them here :

If you scroll to the very top and clear the “tip” (I had one about using tags) then scrolling starts working again.

Seems like their new user tips has some bugs.

I am also having this issue on my 2018 MacBook pro macOS Big Sir 11.2

When I type a decent amount of text into the note app and then click the backspace button, the note will automatically start scrolling up/down. It makes it nearly impossible to type. It is super frustrating and happens every time I use the notes app.

We are now June 16, 2022 and issue is not resolved. 2 things: 1- The developer assigned to this issue has been fired for incompetence and we don’t even know. 2- Note to myself: Never hire Apple on the Mars Mission project. We were able to go to the moon in 1969, but apparently, Apple is not able to fix a bug as simple as a page scrolling back up by itself!! Hum!

I can corroborate that this bug has persisted for many years across multiple iOS upgrades and iPad/iPhone hardware configurations.

We use Apple Notes extensively in our company and everyone complains about this jittery, erratic scrolling behavior.

It seems to have gotten worse in the past year or two.

we aren’t embedding graphics or anything fancy in the notes, just text and bullet point lists.

How can this still be happening!? I am here August 16th, 2022, seeing that this problem has existed for almost 7 years now. Multiple complaints have been filed and yet it hasn’t even been addressed. Why is that?

I figured there would be a fix by now. I have the most current update, iPad Pro 2021, using my apple pen, and as I'm writing on the iPad screen scrolls to the top. I guess it's time to change note apps, I was excited about the new updates it had with iOS 16, but this issue makes me want to grab my iPad and throw it against the wall. September 26, 2022.

October 2022. I fixed it. After years and years of this most annoying problem I fixed it. You must, with all of your force, launch your device into the nearest solid structure. Sheet rock will not suffice as the device will make a perfectly device shaped hole. Try concrete or metal door.

This BUG still exists!!! Can you please fix this Apple?

Seriously come on what is going on ovwr rhere that you have a notes app so buggy.

Botes could be awesome but this but is highly ANNOYING.

surely this can be fixed????

6 years and millions of people complaining and no fix WHY??


Hi there,

You might have better luck asking this question over in Apple Support Communities run by Apple Support.

When i edit notes on iphone 11 ios 16.1.1 why my notes scrolling randomly to top by itself?

I just bought a brand new iPad Pro 11 inch an updated it to iOS 16.1.1, the latest iOS. I have noticed the problem occasionally in the past, but it is now worse than ever. I also use notes extensively and have many long notes. Yesterday I noticed that every time I try to edit text on a long note, it jumps to the top of the note automatically. It is infuriating. It appears to have been a problem for more than five years. Why cannot Apple fix this.? They are marketing products for productivity and this is a huge productivity hit.

Re: cursor problem in notes app. I just filed a bug report today (11/17/22) because this is still happening - on notes in ios 16.1.1 on an Ipad pro - when pressing lightly with finger or stylus the page in a long note responds by jumping to the top of the note. What should happen is a cursor should appear where your finger is placed and the keyboard should appear also.
this happens regardless of whether rje notes are “online” (icloud) or “offline” (on device only” and occurs with both a finger or a stylus. To file a report on this bug use this link:

Notes App Self Scrolls