App Store not showing update button when new version is available

We are currently forcing our users to use always the last version of our app available on the store, in order to handle breaking changes in the server.
We show an alert at app launch every time a new version is found on the app store and we bring the user to the app page on the store. It is working correctly, but we noticed that often the app store does not show the "update" button but the "open" one instead.

At the moment the process is very confusing because when the users press "open" it goes back to the app but then the alert redirects them to the app store again to update the app.

This looks like a bug, there are similar questions in this topic from last year, but similar issues has been recently reported on stackoverflow too

Was this already reported and fixed? Is it a regression? Did you receive any other report about this in the last months?
Are there any plan on your side to work on this issue?

If this is not going to be fixed soon what could we do to improve our users experience?

Which is the best way to help the user to move to the new versions and being sure they will be able to update the app when prompted?

I have exactly the same problem just few days ago. Does anyone hear anything back from Apple?

The App Store is global in nature, and it may take time for an update to an app to be available in any given store front in any given region.

I would recommend versioning your server endpoint so that a a version of an app is tied to a version of your server release. For example, you may want to use URLs such as rather than Each version of your app can call the appropriate endpoint, and your server can also report that a new version is available.

This also makes it friendlier to your customers who may not be in a position to update at the moment they want to use your app.


Hi Jason,

We have a similar issue to the above but I don't believe it's due to global propogation, as the last release was made on 08th March 2017. When we open the app store page in app to update we have the issue of it saying Open rather than Update. But also when going to the app store directly there is no update available. Enpoint versioning wouldn't resolve this issue as whatever mechansism we use to drive users to update the store isn't recognising that they need to.

Any thoughts?

Oh, I have this problem for a long time, but I still have no solution for it. This make me confused.

I have exactly the same problem just few days ago. Does anyone hear anything back from Apple? 😟😟

I'm having the same problem too.. will inform on this thread if I find a solution.

suspect iCloud was causing an issue, but I'm not quite sure. Update was already installed on shared iCloud device so perhaps impacted device didn't consider the newer version an "Update", but instead a "download from iCloud".

Hey, My application("Zipper - File Manager /Transfer") was released with version 3.0. But when the users of my application tried to upgrade from 2.0 to 3.0, it is showing as "Open" on the app store instead of "Update".

Is Apple looking into this issue ?

+1, same problem with our App, hope Apple is looking into this issue

Same problem with my app, the new version is released and is available on app store but no 'update' button (it says 'open') and no update badge icon on the app itself.

Did it bychance get fixed


I am also facing the same problem as you metioned.

I have released the update and it is available in app store, but it is not showing in updates list on iphone.

It is not even updating automatically also.

Looking for the solution

Thanks in advance.

Even I am facing the same issue. Can anyone confirm if apple has looked into this or a fix is available ?

Did you get this issue resolved?

We're seeing the same thing this morning:

  • App update was approved ~4 days ago.
  • We made it Ready for Sale ~12 hours ago.
  • Previous version of the app is still showing on the store.
  • Some of the new metadata is showing for the old version (e.g. release date).

This is the app in questions:

Could someone from Apple please help us out? This is a critical update for us!



This update eventually went live. I did a number of things in iTunes Connect to try trigger the update:

  • Toggled all available countries off/on
  • Updated the "what's new" metadata.
  • Added a new iOS version (didn't upload any builds, however).

A couple of hours later, the correct build showed up.

Does the "Upgrade" button show up in the AppStore app? (or still remain "Open"?)

I am having the same issue now, the new version number and new description does show up, but its the button not showing up as "Upgrade", and the wrong "Open" button simple open the old version on the device instead of download the new code.

This is ridiculous. I have the same exact issue. And it happens all the time. When the user has AutoUpdate feature for this app, basically it shows that the app is updated, even though it is not really. And since it shows "Open" in AppStore, the user can not update it properly. So everytime they have to delete and reinstall the app. This is very very bad UX.

I have the same problem, the app is "Ready for sale" & when we are installing the new app, App Store installs the latest version of my app.

But any existing user tries to update application App Store show Open button instead of Update.

We have tested this scenario on 4-5 different devices & all having the same issue regardless of Model or iOS version.

One of the very very unique cases, In one device, install build version(1.0.1) & is already showing the update for the app in the Updates section. so we have updated the app. App store supposes to update the app to the latest version available that is (1.0.4) version, but no. App store installs some intermediate version (1.0.3). now I have performed the below steps & immediately App store again showing me the update for my app & this time (1.0.4) version is updated.

Steps to get updates :

  1. Open the App Store.
  2. Go to the “Updates” section of App Store
  3. Tap near the top of the screen below the ‘Updates’ text, then hold and pull down, then release
  4. When the spinning wait cursor finishes spinning, any new app updates will appear

We have tested above steps in all 5 devices which previously had an issue & after performing above step it showing update for my & many other apps as well in update list as well as app detail screen. I request you all who have the same issue to try above steps & give an updates here, so Apple gets clear vision about the issue. I believe App store not updating the list of app updates automatically all the time, required manual force update.

Looking for update form Apple team.

This fixes the problem, however, users won't know to do this. We've noticed this since the App Store UI updated when IOS 11 was released. With as many employees as Apple has, you'd think they could spare 1 to track this bug down and fix it.

This continues to be a problem. The store doesn't update the button from Open to Update. While you can force it to happen by taking measures like restartnig the device, this shouldn't be expected of users. This will primarily impact users that like to manually manage their app updates. Users that have auto update enabled are less impacted. This is especially true if you are in a position to delay turning on a "new version" message for a few days after release. By doing this the majority of users, having auto update enabled, will already have the new version. Unfortunately, those that like to take a more active role in their app management will likely be impacted. The frustrating part for the releasing company is that you can see both the Open button and the correct new version in the App Store. You also know that installing fresh receives the new version. In my experience this is most painful when attempting to explain to the non-technical members of the team. You'll have an executive that perceives the problem is more impactful than it really is because they want to demo the new version 6 hours after release and get stuck in a loop tapping the open button.

Suggestions until Apple addresses the mismatch between Open/Update and the fact that the newer version is displayed:
1) Support the previous version of the app for at least a week after new version release...really you want to be able to do this for much longer.
2) Realize that the majority of users will have auto update enabled and will be updated within days of the relase.
3) If you are going to use a suggested update message, don't enable it for several days after release of the new version. This allows the auto update process to be most efficient.
4) Attempt to regularly educate those that might be most concerned about the perceived impact of the issue.

5) Remember this isn't your bug, it's Apple's.


...are perhaps best put to the bug reporter, bottom right, adding your report# to your thread for reference, thanks and good luck.

I am also having the same issue, App store shows the new updated version but the button says 'Open' and not 'Update' don't know how to handle this situation.

Thank you. This helped me.

If I were still at Apple, I would try to get someone to look into this. It is certainly frustrating to users.

Pushed an update of out app today and are experiencing the same issue.

The pull gesture on the App Store app Updates view causes the app update to appear for some users.

Updating the app meta-data did not appear to resolve the issue for all users.

Filed a radar with Apple: 38426489

App Store not showing update button when new version is available