However, in every trial after downloading the 9.56GB package, the error info "The package %@ is missing or invalid" always pop-up.
Anyone has a solution to this?
Safe mode tip: didn't help
installed latest Catalina updates: didn't help
finally I tried the "create new >10Gb disk partition" tip from Nathaniel Gibson above and also installed the latest security updates and this seemed to do the trick and then it worked. I suspect that the creating new partition somehow forces the OS to clean up disk storage issues while it is resizing the partitions and this fixes whatever the problem was.
Device: MacBook 2019 16''
Lastest catalina update (10.15.7) fixed it for me.
Make sure your current named OS is fully up to date before upgrading a new named version. I had a couple updates pending on Catalina when I got the “%@ package missing” error trying to install either Big Sur or Monterey. Updated Catalina, then did Monterey upgrade with no problems; didn’t even have to do the Big Sur upgrade separately like I thought I might.