Sign In With Apple not working with Xcode 12 beta on simulator ?

Running the sample "Juice" app, which demos the Sign In With Apple flow, doesn't seem to work with Xcode 12 beta and iOS 14 beta on the simulator (worked fine on the non-beta versions and on a real device with iOS 14 beta).

Once the password for the device's Apple ID is entered, the wheel in the password field just keeps spinning. No error messages and nothing handed back over to the app from the ASAuthorizationController.

Anyone else seeing this problem ? Are there any workarounds ?
I'm very concerned that this has been going on for some time. I just recently updated to Xcode 12.0 and now I can't use apple sign in anymore. It just hangs, I'm in the middle of incorporating apple sign in as it's a requirement in my app and now I can't make any progress either.
I have had the same experience. I think the problem is specific to iOS 14.

This is as far as I went testing Apple Sign In using the 'Juice App'.
  • Running on simulator iPhone 8 Plus iOS 14. FAILED

  • Running on simulator iPhone 8 Plus iOS 13.5. SUCCESS

  • Running on device iPhone 8 Plus iOS 14. FAILED

  • Running on device iPhone 8 Plus iOS 13.7. SUCCESS

Note that there have been absolutely no changes in the source or project configuration.

All failing on the same step. i.e when device is authenticating my credential. The spinner spinning indefinitely.

I only have two iOS devices. I hope someone else can expand on this result further for the benefit of everyone affected
The only success I've had testing Apple Sign In with Xcode 12 and iOS 14 is to use a real device with a sandbox environment. I tested with an iPhone 11 Pro with iOS 14 installed.
I can confirm this issue on Xcode 12.0
I ran into the same issue today. Xcode Version 12.0 (12A7209). Simulator Version 12.0 (940.16)
I'm experiencing the same issue with Xcode 12 and ios 14. Anyone have any ideas?
Yes i tested and sign with apple not working in iOs 14 simulator and device as well and due to this issue apple rejected my app.

Apple please resolve this issue because users faced this issue in my application

I can confirm my app has been rejected due to this issue.
An App I'm working on was rejected for this as well. The code was working fine in iOS 13, but now Sign In With Apple is unresponsive in iOS 14. The typical SIWA sheet slides up from the bottom, but when the user submits their info none of the Sign In With Apple code is firing off.

I had to remove Sign In With Apple capabilities and re-submit for now.
I'm seeing the same problem too. I'm using iOS 14 and Xcode 12.
Same issue for me as well. Xcode 12.0.0 and iOS 14. Activity wheel will keep spinning but no changes afterwards.
Same problem here. Infinitely turning wheel on Sign In With Apple after entry of password on Xcode 12.
My app was also rejected for this problem and I have been trying to find out the cause for 3 days now and I realize that the problem is in Apple Signin with the update of IOS14 or Xcode 12. Apparently the problem has existed for a long time and apple has not yet solved ?
Having exactly the same problem, I thought it was something wrong with my App, after spents hours. can't figure it out and it was all working fine in iOS 13.7 with iphone SE/8 simulators. but not in iOS4 .

Please help fix this issue.
Have the same problem here. Working fine in iOS 13.5 but not working in iOS 14.

Forced to implement Sign in with Apple and now my app is rejected because of this issue. Any solution for this issue?
How can your apps be rejected by this? It's working on live devices.
Same here... tried Xcode 12.0.0, 12.0.1 and beta 12.2.0. Sign in with Apple works fine on real device but it was rejected because apparently it does not work on iOS 14. Their "Juice" app does not work as well on iOS 14 simulator.
While developing the Sign in With Apple feature, I discovered that the methods in the delegate ASAuthorizationControllerDelegate are not called in some cases on iOS 14.

Downgrade the ios simulator:

First install xcode-install gem:
gem install xcode-install
When check what iOS simulators are available:
xcversion simulators
Install desired simulator i.e:
xcversion simulators --install='iOS 13.5'

Use the ios 13.5 version to test and develop the apple sign in.

Than set the iOS Deployment Target to 13.5

Test your application with the apple sign in, upload, submit for review. And thats it, there will be no problem with the review.
Won't they still reject the app with the reason "does not work on iOS 14"?
I did actually already set deployment target to be lower than 14.
Can we get a response from xcode engineers? is Apple playing games and waiting for iphone 12 announcement for some reason or what? Stop gaslighting developers and fix this already or at least say something about it.
Folks, I noted the same issue, once I upgraded to Xcode 12.0 (and now 12.0.1). I'm seeing the same situation with a custom app I had the Sign In With Apple ID operation working on when using a previous version of Xcode (i.e., 11.x). Note: that I have also don't have any success when trying to install additional simulators into Xcode 12.0 or 12.0.1. When I install my custom app on a physical iOS device, it knows that I've already used the Sign In with Apple ID operation, and skips over the Onboarding operations I need to test. Hence, I need to use a simulator-based iOS devices to test my Onboarding operations... Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Is there really still no resolution (or workaround) for this issue? I am not using any beta software. I'm running Xcode 12.0.1 on MacOS 10.15.6 and have tried iPad Mini 4 and iPad Air 4 in the simulator with iOS 14 and I get the endless spinning after entering my password. I installed the iOS 13.3 simulator OS and they all work properly. The app also works properly with iOS 14 on physical devices (iPad Mini 4 and iPad Pro 12.9").

I "get" why Apple might have ignored this problem in their beta versions - but it seems unacceptable for the release versions. Have they at least acknowledged the issue yet? Are there any workarounds to this issue (aside from testing on an older version of iOS or using physical devices exclusively)?

I faced the same issue.
I'm using Xcode version 12.0.1 and its working fine with version lower than iOS 14.
Is there something additionally to be done for iOS 14?
I'm not getting any help from anywhere.
My App is also rejected reason being the same.

As Apple is not doing anything about this issue it might be the best to inform the publicity about it.
I mean how can they not take that serious?! Loosing a lot of confident in Apple again..
Sign In With Apple not working with Xcode 12 beta on simulator ?