Sign In With Apple not working with Xcode 12 beta on simulator ?

Running the sample "Juice" app, which demos the Sign In With Apple flow, doesn't seem to work with Xcode 12 beta and iOS 14 beta on the simulator (worked fine on the non-beta versions and on a real device with iOS 14 beta).

Once the password for the device's Apple ID is entered, the wheel in the password field just keeps spinning. No error messages and nothing handed back over to the app from the ASAuthorizationController.

Anyone else seeing this problem ? Are there any workarounds ?
Same problem here. Add to that, I can't run my on any simulator. Also, I'm releasing my app for iPhone only, not iPad so i have no idea why they are testing on ipad.
Having same issue, only spinning nothing more than that
Same issue in emulator.
I'm using Cordova in a Ionic project.

The emulator keep SignIn with Apple form spinning to infinite.
I'm using emulator iPhone 11 with 14.0.

I've installed the iOS 13.5 emulator and with iPhone 11 it's work without a problem.
So yes, there is an issue with iOS 14.
Quick update : I have asked for an update on the original issue FB7786750. Apple has all the sys diag they've asked for and how to reproduce this issue (with their own sample).

I appreciate the initial effort but it's been 3 months since then and there's apparently no communication on this topic.
Xcode 12 and Xcode 12.2 beta 2 same issue.
Same problem here- I implemented the Apple Sign in exactly like it is recommended on the developer websites.

I'm using Xcode 12.1 and neither the delegate functions of ASAuthorizationControllerDelegate nor ASAuthorizationControllerPresentationContextProviding are called at all.

The worst part is that my app has been rejected already twice and I'm spending a whole of time on problems I'm more and more sure I haven't introduced.
I would like to bump this and say that it is not working for my simulator on iOS 14 and Xcode version 12.0.1. Getting an infinite spinning wheel after submitting my password. Looking forward to seeing updates here.

Same issue here. I think that is incredible the fact that Apple is ignoring this BIG BIG bug. Please, we need a solution as soon as possible!!

Still cannot use on Xcode 12 / iOS 14
Please fix this major issue, everyone is wasting so much time
Can confirm this is still an issue. Infinite spinning wheel.
Major issue especially considering Apple is forcing this one us.
Still not working with Xcode 12.2 released today. And no mention of it in the release notes.
Having the same problem with XCode 12.0.1

Does anyone know if it affects real devices?
My app is also being rejected for not implementing Sign in with Apple.

Is it a valid excuse to resubmit and say it is not working on iOS 14?
I have the same problem, getting an infinite spinning wheel after submitting my password. Any updates on this Apple?
I can confirm this is an issue, with Xcode 12.0.1 and iOS 14 Simulator. Using a simulator for iOS 13.5 works as a workaround.
At this point I think it's clear that this isn't a bug but an intentional restriction of apple sign-in capability in iOS 14 to only apple silicon devices. They just can't say that now because no apple silicon devices that run xcode are on the market yet, so they decided to just leave developers hanging. Brilliant.
My app update was previously rejected because of this as well.

I left the review team a comment in the resolution center asking if they are testing on a simulator. I added that if that's the case I don't think the problem is in my code and pointed to this forum post.

One or two days later my update was approved. Maybe that's useful for you being in the same situation (I know it's kind of sad).
I am and have been seeing this same issue with login using the Simulator. If it helps, I think the issue is that Apple's two factor authentication is failing. When I try to log in on device and compare it to the Simulator, I am getting the notification to allow on my other trusted devices. I think this is the source of the problem. I enter the 6 digit code from another device and I am signed in. However, when trying this from the Simulator, it stopped working in the iOS 14 betas.

I did file an issue with Apple in the Feedback tool with repro steps but never heard back.
Same problem on Version 12.0.1.

The problem is with receiving verification code (two factor auth.). You can see same problem in

Settings -> Password & Security -> Get Verification Code receive popup with text "Error", without any other informations.
Experiencing the same problem here. Have been rejected multiple times for this issue, despite linking this forum thread.

Updating our deployment target to 13.5 addressed the first round of rejections, and we were approved without any changes to the Apple Sign-in code.

However, we have now received another rejection over a week later for the same issue, again without any changes to the Apple Sign-in code.

As this issue is clearly affecting a significant number of users, it would be greatly appreciated if Apple could offer any sort of direct feedback or advice to address this.
I was spending hours on this issue when my simulator was on iOS 14.1. The issue went away after using iOS 13.5 simulator. Thanks to those sharing the info.

Four months on and this is not fixed.

Very annoying as we are mandated to offer this capability and cannot test without a physical device.
Same issue here, and apple reject for that bug
Same Issue

Version 12.0.1 (12A7300)

Version 12.0.1 (940.16)
SimulatorKit 597.13
CoreSimulator 732.17
Same issue:

xcode Version 12.1
Sign In With Apple not working with Xcode 12 beta on simulator ?