iOS 14 iPhone folders disappearing

When rearranging the home screen and subsequent pages, folders containing apps will spontaneously vanish, leaving the app icons on the pages. It may be related to widgets moving on the page.
Let's try this again with another significant iOS 14 release... Anyone have a chance to test this on iOS 14.2 RC? Public release should be out this week, though. I will be incredibly disturbed if this is not addressed in this update.
Can anyone confirm if this was resolved in iOS 14.2?
Same here. I was trying to organize manually apps in folders, and at some points while using the app icons in settings, it just wiped out all my work. No warning, no undo, but a lot of frustrations.

some programmers really have no clues.... including some working at Apple.

My phone is updated to the latest and I went to just rearrange some apps on my homepage and lost my whole homepage, it just disappeared… Why haven’t they fixed this by now?! Grrrr!!
Has there still not been a fix for this? What a big waste of time.
Wish I had known about this bug, now I have hours of work ahead of me to reorganize the folders I had!
Hi everybody,

I’ve just had the same issue on my ipad pro with the lates iOS 14.4.

The only thing which I did I pressed the button in the settings which changes the icons size from small to big and vice versa... So afterwards my apps arrangement was ruined 😭

I didn’t recognise my working tables... It really sucks

Is there a way to fix it without doing the reorganisation manually?
i am having the same issue.
The folder vanished as well as all the icons for the app. They dont show up anywhere.
however if i do the search bar and type in the name of the app... it appears in the search and i can run it.

The apps also show up in the appropriate areas of the "setup" interface such as under "notifications"

Obviously the app is still loaded and still runs. But only from the find/search feature first
I discovered that there is a limitation to how many Home Screen pages one can have based on iOS & hardware. In my case it was 14 (15 with the app drawer.)

In either case I was unable to arrange my applications inside of folders as they would rubber band or snap back into their original position. I would also have applications disappear if I tried to move them out of a folder onto a Home Screen.

My solution to fixing this was to reorganize apps into folders or delete some applications until free space started showing up on my Home Screens or until I had less than 14 pages of apps. Once I had cleared that up I was able to move applications around in folders properly as well as back onto the Home Screens without issue.

I should also mention that I had so many apps that there was a backlog behind my home Screens such that all my home Screens would fill up until I had either deleted enough apps or placed them into folders to the extent that free space started appearing on my home screens or my last Home Screen page.

Hopefully this helps other folks who might be losing their mind trying to organize their apps in folders!

I just got the iOS 14.4.1 update and the folders that were there from apple it disappeared then it came back
I have had the same issue several times since upgrading to ios14. I am now on 14.4.1 and literally upgraded from a 7 plus to the iPhone 12 Pro Max this week. Same thing. I go to move an app into a folder and suddenly several things happen.
  • Several folders of apps disappeared and put the apps on the home screen... but of course they are scattered everywhere. (Not all folders dissolved, just some.)

  • Waze moves to another page, so I try to move it back but it gets stuck binding with another app so then I try to move it back out... it will not allow it. Then later it did but took forever.

  • A particular utility app won’t allow me to drop it in my utility folder... but will allow itself to be placed in other folders.

  • The finance widget showed up on my 3rd page randomly. I hadn’t downloaded it previously.

  • Another random widget showed up on one of my pages.

The questions remain - why on earth has this not been fixed? It leaves us with terrible and disorganized home screens, and the whole point of a smart phone is to enhance your life and help you be more efficient and organized... it’s supposed to feel good and this doesn’t. You don’t even want to take the time to fix it because you know it’s going to happen again.

Secondly, why hasn’t apple made it where we can “cut” and “paste” an app where we want it within the grid? Why do we have to play games with holding our finger on it and tilt our head just right to swipe through 4 pages to hope that it drops into the right folder? And we all know that along the way it’s going to try to bind with another app and we will have to pull it back out and try to keep going etc. Sometimes moving one app around takes several minutes. With all the tech, it’s ridiculous that this (cut and paste an app to a new location) hasn’t been added as a feature. Some of us carry a LOT of apps and rearranging them is a nightmare with the current system.

PLEASE fix this issue. It seems small, but when you hate looking at your disorganized phone... it’s really a significant issue.
I am utterly flabbergasted!
I just had this happen to me. More than eight months after the first post on here about this issue! How can Apple let a bug like this continue to exist? Completely unacceptable.

Everything is scrambled now, just because I edited a widget. Ridiculous!

I would expect stuff like this if I had an Android phone. I am so disappointed in Apple lately.
Same just happened to me. Wow. BEYOND frustrating!

iPhone Xs iOS 14.4.2

Hours spent creating, grouping, and placing folders with 90% of apps in about 30 - 40 different folders, with widgets grouped and organized as well. Allows me to get to what I need, when I need it, quickly & efficiently.

Tried to add a couple of widgets (larger ones) and suddenly a bunch of folders just disappeared with the apps dumped in no order I can discern everywhere. I literally just could not find "Settings" just to confirm my iOS version!

This will take at least a couple of hours to fix and everything is now a mess -- like a bomb went off and scattered apps everywhere.

Holy cow...what a headache.

BANDAID SOLUTION for anyone reading this -- will likely be to restore the backup my phone did to iCloud about 5 hours ago.

Not much has happened in 5 hours, so should restore where things were and will be MUCH faster than recreating all the organization over again.

Note for Dev: The previous ability to update folders / apps installed & organization via iTunes was helpful -- much easier to click and drag with a mouse than to do it all with fingers, one screen at a time, with the device jumping around trying to anticipate where you are going to "land" with whatever you are holding & moving.

Lastly, would be helpful to see a link to the public community forums on this topic -- I landed on this thread first when I searched for this issue.

I have IOS 14.6 what happen to Photo folder disappear when I connect to PC

i know what it is. it’s definitely the widgets. i was moving one of the really big widgets around and when switching thru pages it’s opens your folders for some reason

Is this resolved in iOS 15.4? I have not tried to add any widgets to my home screen since iOS 14.2.

Just read all the comments because i had the same problem today. Turns out it's my focus mode set to Do not disturb. Turned it off and my all folders come back! Hope this helps.

So I know this is an old thread but if you, like me, stumbled upon this while trying to retrieve your missing apps or folders I wanted to list the way I restored my Home Screen.

  1. Settings
  2. Focus
  3. Options
  4. Home Screen
  5. Custom Pages
  6. Select all of the options by tapping the bubble/ circle near each one.
  7. I also selected the option above that to un-hide notification badges. That’s my personal preference- I like notifications. You may not.

All of my missing folders and apps reappeared- in their last folder organization that I could recollect.

I hope this works for you!

i have never had this happen to me until I just updated to iOS 16. So frustrated!!!

This just happened to me on iOS 16.0.2

i noticed it after I had temporarily enabled “Content and Privacy” restrictions in Settings > Screen Time.
I had wanted to just disable explicit music in Apple Music cause my kids were listening, but this change appeared to affect a lot more things on my phone so I turned it back off.

that’s when I noticed half of my apps had spilled out of their folders. Very strange bug.

Just happened to me and it’s so annoying, not sure what makes that -_-

Hi there,

You might have better luck asking this question over in Apple Support Communities run by Apple Support.

Having exactly the same problem on 16.4

Moving widgets made apps fly out of folders and placed all over homescreens. Even apps disappear temporally to show up suddenly again... Very annoying bug. No fun in re-arranging my home screens again...

Just happened to me, it seems it hasn’t been fixed. It is definitely annoying

iOS 14 iPhone folders disappearing