Builds do not appear on App Store Connect

I do not encounter any problems during the upload which seems to proceed correctly (success message at the end)...

However, I cannot view the builds from the interface (App Store Connect).

I've been testing different options (re-build, test on another computer, cache cleanup...) for several hours without success ;-(

@Apple: I need urgent help please
Same, I cannot observe this yesterday before upgrading to latest Xcode. Not sure if its related though.
Same here, uploaded two builds, no sign of them on App Store Connect.
Same here, duplicate error when uploading again, but no sign of the build anywhere in App Store Connect
Same issue build not visible on Appstore Connect
Same here
Yeah, The issue occurred to me as well.
Same here +1
Same here... I also can't upload a new version today

Same for us. Two builds uploaded yesterday afternoon still haven’t shown up.
Am seeing this with failed builds only now. Used to be rejected builds would show.
Experiencing the same issue
Same problem here. I'm submitting a Flutter app to TestFlight. This started happening with Xcode 12, my last upload was three days ago and I had no upload problems until today.
If you're desperate, try unchecking "Include bitcode for iOS content" and "Upload your app's symbols." This just worked for me after I found the workaround on twitter. Maybe this way I can at least get the iOS14 fixes out before the weekend.
  • 1 Builds don't show up but duplicate build numbers are rejected

Builds do not appear on App Store Connect