Share extension - App not showing in share menu on first attempt since iOS 14

Something weird seems to start happening after upgrade to Xcode 12 and iOS 14.

App use to show fine in share menu option before, but suddenly it is acting weirdly and only showing on second attempt onwards.

My aim is to get web page url. Here's my share activation rule.

Code Block

I have even tried on new project and added share extension with activation rule above. It also does the same, and app only show in share option from second time onwards. This issue mainly happening in Safari.

It used to work fine before iOS 14, i also didn't find anything in iOS 14 change log regarding share extension that can cause the issue. Can anyone help me pointing out where it could be wrong or some possible reason.

Thanks in advance!!!

Has anyone seen any improvements here or feedback from bugs they have submitted to Apple?

I filed FB9045442 about this, and now Feedback Assistant says "Resolution: Potential fix identified - In iOS 15".

Brilliant! I can't access that Feedback submission for some reason, but encouraging news...

Share extension - App not showing in share menu on first attempt since iOS 14