Warning on sticker pack submission - ITMS-90863

I am able to upload a sticker pack but with the following warning:
ITMS-90863: Apple silicon Macs support issue - The app has LSApplicationLaunchProhibited set to true. This is not supported on Mac.

I understand this limits the ability of the sticker pack to be used on a new silicon Mac. Is there a way to change this flag so that this generic sticker pack will work on a Mac?
The same to me 🤦‍♂️
Hi James, I have the same problem, but reposted the question because I was going in the other direction, trying to make it NOT work on Macs and focus solely on getting it to work on iOS. So if I get an answer first, I'll post it back over here as well.


Me, too!
A couple more days of digging around on StackOverflow and whatnot, and it appears to be something that just popped up after the Apple Silicon announcement, and is probably a problem on Apple's side.


This might be the type of thing you need to sort out with Apple directly. I'm working on my first sticker pack submission this weekend, but it will be an extension of an existing app. There is a reasonable chance that the Big Sur launch changed App Connection's type-of-submission handling, and standalone sticker packs was broken. – benc 2 days ago

I'm assuming that "sort out with Apple" means to file a radar. Here's my attempt, but I had no idea how to attach any diagnostics that would help, so if something comes to mind, please take a stab at it:

I'm following this thread in half a dozen different places ... a radar, three developer forum threads, and three stackoverflow questions.

All dead ends so far.

To me, this implies it's a glitch with the latest multiple updates, because none of the institutional knowledge base are chiming in with work-arounds.

Filing a radar is the only thing I can think of to do at this point.
Go to your app on the Apple Connect Website
Under Pricing and Availability you will find a checkbox "Apple Silicon Mac Availability - Make this app available"
If you uncheck this it should stop giving you the apple silicon warnings

Yeah, but we don't want to uncheck that box.

It's a sticker pack, it SHOULD work on macOS!

So how do we make the warning go away while still supporting macOS? 🤔

Warning on sticker pack submission - ITMS-90863