Big Sur Problem?: "You do not have permission to open the application"

With the new update off MacOS I have encountered an issue with opening quite a few off my applications as it says within the title I do not have the permission to open the application. Has anyone had any similar problems to this if so what have you done to resolve this and why does this occur.
I'm having the same problem. I get the "you don't have permission" error and then the application crashes. I send the report in to Apple and then reopen the application. It usually opens on the second or third attempt. Annoying, not fatal.

I get the "you don't have permission" error and then the application

Is this an app that you’re building? Or an app built by some other developer?

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + ""
Same problem, and nothing works. :(
same here. this is really making it hard to develop anything on my brand new device... This new chip just doest have that "apple finish" i was hoping for, but i guess some of these issues could be attributed to the new OS. hopefully they will have it ironed out soon, and i can appreciate the pull away from intel, but it kinda defeats the point, if Im forced into just as much, or more compromises.
you cant even open it from the terminal. i tried a basic

Code Block
sudo open -a "Rosetta Terminal"

and couldn't get it to open either just a bunch of permission errors.

I am having this issue right now trying to open MS Word!!! I am trying to complete my study guide for my final exam and cannot do this without word!!!!!
Tried CC7 method: receiving error:

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx@xxxxxxxxxx-iMac ~ % ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL http s://" < /dev/null 2> /dev/null

curl: (6) Could not resolve host: http

curl: (1) Protocol "s" not supported or disabled in libcurl

it happens when you dont have enough permission, use the command mentioned on the description

prior to installation run below command on terminal
sudo xattr -d "your".ipa
I am continually having this on my brand new $7K MacBook Pro. It randomly and intermittently happens when I open all the latest versions of Chrome, Firefox, MS Office, WhatsApp, Grammarly, BlueStacks, etc. It doesn't matter what the app is; it is the O/S. It crashes when opening the app, throws up the "you don't have permission" dialogue box, then gives me the option of submitting my error report, which I have naively been doing for two months now. This issue may not be widespread, but it's an issue for me, and a quick Google shows quite a few other folks. Get on top of this Apple and assign some resources to fix it.
the below info worked for me.

open terminal.
enter sudo chmod -R 777
then drag and drop the application you are trying to open.
click enter

to be in the terminal like this : sudo chmod -R 777 app-path

then enter your password
In December when Microsoft updates came through Excel did not need to change and so that was the one that now said "You do not have permission to open the application “Microsoft”."
To be able to get my Excel back I ended up working with a Microsoft rep for a half a day on removing my apps and reloading them.
NOW, Last night the Microsoft updates came through and now Word is the one that did not have to update so now it is whited out in the Dock and says the error phrase copied above.

I cannot go through that again as I use this for work.
Also the suggestion for what worked in the last comment is not understood by me as to how I would do that?
Me again. I poked around until I found a reference to the background of the App and permissions.
What I did was go to Finder>applications> (pick your app that is not opening) >Get Info (from the right click drop down of options) open the "Sharing & Permissions:" and unlock the little padlock on the bottom right corner to Add (Me) to list with Read & Write privilege.
It works, Yes, I am able to pull up my files but the icon is still whited out.... so
DISCLAIMER: I have no idea what will happen next time Microsoft has an update for this app when it tries to download and change it.
I'm having the same problem with various programs at random times and with increasing frequency (and annoyance). Microsoft recommended reinstalling. Did that, sort of. Didn't help. Also the problem is not just with Microsoft programs. Anyway I did try Doris's idea (thank you) of checking permissions in the Applications folder, and added myself with read and write privileges for one of the offending programs (Word). We'll see if that works. What always works for me is opening the program a second or sometimes third time. I get the "you do not have permission error", the program crashes (send the error report to Apple with "I'm thinking of buying a PC" in the comments section), and then reopen the program and I'm fine until the next time.
I also failed with the "upx" approach but find a new solution
  1. (maybe necessary or not) copy the .app to a place on the local disk (e.g. /Applications or ~/Desktop)

  2. Right click->get info->sharing & permissions Here please add the "administrators" group, with the permissions of "read and write"

  3. double click the .app and it works

I just recently ran into this issue and ended up on a StackOverflow thread. Looking at some of the possibilities there I decided check the system log and saw the following:

Code Block
Jan 26 12:44:00 mycomputer.local[1] ([38693]): removing service since it exited with consistent failure - OS_REASON_CODESIGNING | When validating /Applications/
 Code has restricted entitlements, but the validation of its code signature failed.
Unsatisfied Entitlements: 
Jan 26 12:44:00 mycomputer.local[1] ([38693]): Binary is improperly signed.

This indicates something caused the 'code signing' of the application to be corrupt. The simplest thing would be to try to reinstall the impacted app and see if it makes a difference. Some of the other possibilities listed in the referenced post require delving into the command line, so it may not to be everyone's comfort level. I would also recommend not typing random commands, unless you have an understanding of the potential unintended consequences.

In my case the odd thing is that the application did launch fine the previous day, when I had first installed it. I can't say what changed between the previous launch and the current launch.
I'm also having this issue with multiple apps, on multiple days, whether I've opened them before or not.
Same issue here.
I understand the goal of this update is to make it more secure. But after seeing many workarounds here trying to break/breach it, I don't know whether or not it's more or less secure having this Big Sure update.
Tried all solutions that were posted in here... nothing worked sadly :(
Anyone got a new idea? Is there any chance Apple will patch this problem??
Same problem: Since updating to Big Sur, I can't open an app I used all the time. Nothing works: Nor the "sudo chmod" command in terminal, nor reinstalling, nor changing the app permission on the app info (the app in question already has read and write privileges for all users included admin—which is me, the only user on this mac).

Trying to open the app with "sudo open -a" gave me the following message:

The application /Applications/ cannot be opened for an unexpected reason, error=Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-10826 "kLSNoLaunchPermissionErr: User doesn't have permission to launch the app (managed networks)" UserInfo={LSFunction=LSLaunchWithRunningboard, _LSLine=2508, NSUnderlyingError=0x7fbf5d422ee0 {Error Domain=RBSRequestErrorDomain Code=5 "Launch failed." UserInfo={NSLocalizedFailureReason=Launch failed., NSUnderlyingError=0x7fbf5d41e590 {Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=153 "Unknown error: 153" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Launchd job spawn failed with error: 153}}}}}

Apple, please, get it together and fix it!
Am the only one here who gets this error first launch then cancels out and tries again and now it works?
Seems to be a rubbish error, either i have the permission or i dont so why on subsequent launches the apps work is beyond me and very frustrating.

Like everyone else work arounds change nothing.
The following command worked for me.
  1. ) Open terminal. 

  2. ) Enter: sudo chmod -R 755 /path/to/app

  3. ) Press enter

  4. ) Then enter your password

  5. ) Open the app and it should work.

to install upx, I was running this:

ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL http s://" < /dev/null 2> /dev/null

what was working, afterwards I was running this:

brew install upx

But then I am getting this answer:
==> Searching for similarly named formulae...
Error: No similarly named formulae found.
Error: No available formula or cask with the name "upx".
==> Searching for a previously deleted formula (in the last month)...
Error: No previously deleted formula found.
==> Searching taps on GitHub...
Error: No formulae found in taps.

What have I done wrong?

Hey guys! I figured it out. If the app that you want to download says you don't have permission to open it, try this:
  1. Drag the app to your "Applications" folder

  2. Open Terminal

  3. Type "sudo chmod -R 755"

  4. Find the app that you want to open and drag and drop it into Terminal, and then it should look something like this:

"sudo chmod -R 755 /Applications/"
5. Click Enter
6. Go to the app and right-click on it, and then click "Open"
7. It may give you an error message, just click "Open" again

This worked for me, and I hope it helps!
hey friends,

Trying to open and still having trouble to open on Big Sur. Nothing has worked here.

anything extra that I can try ?
I have the same issue since installing Big Sur. The problem with all the work-arounds is that a "normal" user should not have to "do" anything to get a standard app to work. Each time the app crashes, it sends a report to Apple, so they must have literally 10s of thousands of reports, all with the same issue. Why haven't they done anything about it?
My problem with Permissions is related to multiple PDF apps. I do not have a single PDF app that will do everything I need. So when I need to do a specific type of editing I will use another PDF app that is not my Default app. After completing the work the Default app will flash the error that "YOU DO NOT HAVE PERMISSION". After trying more things than I want to waste your time with I came upon a solution that for the past 48 hours has worked with no exceptions. Solution: Open the System Preferences. Open the General Preferences. Change the RECENT ITEMS to NONE. Reboot and the problem for me was resolved.
Big Sur Problem?: "You do not have permission to open the application"