Big Sur Problem?: "You do not have permission to open the application"

With the new update off MacOS I have encountered an issue with opening quite a few off my applications as it says within the title I do not have the permission to open the application. Has anyone had any similar problems to this if so what have you done to resolve this and why does this occur.
I have the same problem with a new HP SmartTank printer: I can print but I can not open the printer app. Hence no scanning possible, What is odd is this happens on MacBook Pro M1 where the user was installed cloning an older MacBook. On a MacBook Air M1 where the user was created from scratch this does not happen. it probably has to do something with the cloning process. I have tried all the suggestions, updated the driver, switched to Secure AirPrint as the driver: nothing works. Any help would be most welcome.
I'm on an MacBook Air (M1, 2020) running macOS Big Sur 11.2.1 (20D74). For me, I had an issue with my printer app. It's a Brother HL-L2395DW. I was able to right click the app, select "Get Info" and then select "Open with Rosetta".

This is only a workaround, as macOS does report it to be a universal app, and it should run natively on M1. But when I look at the file with the "file" command-line program, it reports a "Mach-O universal binary with 2 architectures: [x86_64:Mach-O 64-bit executable x86_64] [arm64e:Mach-O 64-bit executable arm64e]". This seems to be the root of the problem, as non-Apple arm64e apps aren't currently supported on M1 systems without jumping through hoops. But this is getting well beyond my wheelhouse.
I used the following steps to get myself the "Execute" permission:
  1. Right click on the application. E.g., HP Easy Start

  2. Select "New Terminal at folder"

  3. At the Terminal command line, type chmod -R 777 .

(Note: make sure you issue the entire "chmod -R 777 ." including the dot
4. you should able to execute the application by now

Guys... you should use homebrew + upx it works!
no need chmod 777 . or something....

Open Terminal or iTerm and type sudo chmod -R 755 , then drag the .app into the window, which will bring the full path into Terminal or iTerm. This worked for me, moving the -R option directly after chmod.

This workes fine for me :)
I found a very simple solution (in my case).

It all depends on the extraction method. i was using winzip and then use the unarchiver method to unzip the app and that´s it. it worked for me. i hope this solves a problem to anyone.
For Matlab, the MathWorks Support Team recommends installing Rosetta by running the line below from Terminal. It solved the issue for me.

sudo /usr/sbin/softwareupdate --install-rosetta

Code Block
sudo chmod -R 755 <file path>

has worked by my side

open Terminal -> goto your app path -> chmod -R 755
Let me list just a few of my experiences.

The Desktop, Documents, and Downloads directories have some additional rules. If your executable is located in one of these places, see if moving it will help.

Even if the main Mach object is a universal format with ARM and Intel, it may be that some of the embedded frameworks don't contain ARM version. I had some programs with this situation try to run using ARM because the main program was universal but then fail to open when it tried to load the frameworks.

Make sure that it runs on an Intel MacOS system. There were some changes with Big Sur, and you want to make sure it isn't those issues burning you rather than the ARM/Intel issue.

Make sure that try setting the file to use Rosetta using the options in "get info" in the finder.

Some of the options for granting the programs privileges won't allow the privileges to be executed until you have run the program. For example, some programs won't let you read or write the Desktop or Documents directory. However, after you have read and written files in other directories, it will let you add privileges. Note that a program that contains a save or open panel that allows all directories will sometimes need privileges even if you aren't using those directories at the time.

Please note that having 777 permissions on the files and directories will not grant you full privileges. There are other rules that do not belong to the rwx (read, write, execute) security domain.

There have also been with network attached shares. Some programs will treat networked attached files differently. I believe that somebody mentioned Samba and that could be a problem. There have also been problems on the remote Apple directories.

Some of these have been mentioned in other posts but a lot of them don't follow the logical rules that you think they are following. Please remember Murphy's Correlary: Murphy was an optimist when he wrote his eponymous law.
I have tried EVERY single work around for this issue, and still have the same "You do not have permission to open the application"
if I move the application to any mac not running Big Sur it works fine. move it back to Big Sur, doesn't work.
Code Block
codesign --force --deep --sign - /Applications/

This worked for me on macOS Big Sur. Arqtistic posted a link to Stackoverflow. ajmas mentioned that some of you may have problems opening apps because of a signature error. This signs the app again. Make sure to replace "/Applications/" with your app by removing this line and drag and drop you app into the terminal, so the path gets automatically copied.

This may not be the solution for everyone. You may have to use "sudo spctl –master-disable" before. Don't forget to enable it again even if nothing worked.

the below info worked for me.

open terminal. 
enter sudo chmod -R 755
then drag and drop the application you are trying to open.
click enter 
then enter your password
I experienced also a problem with the permission to open an application. Nothing solved the issue, whatever I tried.

I was using, and could not imagine that this App might be the reason of the problem. But, then I tried Archive, and all worked fine.

In case you have a problem with permissions of opening an App, just try to use another decompressing App.
i found something that worked, at least for me. go to finder, then applications, find the application you are trying to open, and then right click it. in the options that come up, click "new terminal at folder". once the terminal is open, copy and paste " chmod -R 777 . " (with the dot!) then click enter. now try to open the application again. it should give you an error saying that the app is not trusted or something like that, but you can override this by just going to finder, applications, then right clicking the app and clicking open. this will manually let you open the app. hope this helps or wasn't too confusing, i'm not very good with the script stuff :)
tried everything, but only resign helped:

error was (via terminal $open /App):
Code Block
The application cannot be opened for an unexpected reason, error=Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-10826 "kLSNoLaunchPermissionErr: User doesn't have permission to launch the app (managed networks)" UserInfo={_LSFunction=_LSLaunchWithRunningboard, _LSLine=2508, NSUnderlyingError=0x7fa5f3806a50 {Error Domain=RBSRequestErrorDomain Code=5 "Launch failed." UserInfo={NSLocalizedFailureReason=Launch failed., NSUnderlyingError=0x7fa5f3807330 {Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=153 "Unknown error: 153" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Launchd job spawn failed with error: 153}}}}}

I had it working, I tried first:
Code Block
xattr -r -d

Code Block
sudo xattr -r -d

And then:
Code Block
sudo chmod -R 755

go to terminal and type

chmod -R 755 (file path)

Instead of manyually typing it you can drag and drop it. then press enter/return and right click the app, they click open.
It has something to do with the enclosing folder permissions. Try "sudo chmod -R 755" on the enclosing folder... I just had this problem with new Opera Installer and this old trick ("sudo chmod -R 755 OperaSetup") has worked like a charm, whereas the other proposed solutions failed.

Yeah unfortunately nothing has worked for me. I have tried literally everything that is on this form and others on the Internet. The only way I can temporarily circumvent the issue, is to reinstall the app from its original source. But then after 24 hours, it always will pop up this message again.

You do not have permission to open the application Contact your computer or network admin for assistance.

But I am the only admin on this computer, what's going on Apple?

@K714 same thing here nothing works so frustrating this Gatekeeper thing is really anoying. Even I setup a separate account as Admin same issue.

This got it working for me.

sudo chmod -R 755

I too have tried all methods on this page and others but still cannot get any apps off the internet working.

This problem have several solution. They differ according to the type of the application you want to open. You can find all the possible solutions in this article

I have an answer (sorry for a little late): If you go into the app's contents (right/control click, Show Package Contents, Contents, MacOS), a file with the same name will come up. Open terminal, and type in chmod +x then drag & drop that file and press enter. The application should now work!

Big Sur Problem?: "You do not have permission to open the application"