ITMS-90000: This bundle is invalid - $message.

Got my binary rejected with the message: ITMS-90000: This bundle is invalid - $message.

There is not more info on this in the rejection email and I am having a hard time understanding what may have happened or how to solve it. Anyone had a similar issue?
I also got it when uploading a new version today, even validated without error.
How to solve it?
Yeah, having the same issue... yesterday it was working fine, barely changed anything and then I started getting this error this morning.

My last build disappeared without any error message.

Could it be an Apple issue?
I'm facing this error too today, could it be a bug?
I'm also having this problem now; we were able to upload a test build this morning, and just around 2 hours after, we kept getting this super vague error. I've already sent three builds, all of which received the same error messge.
Likewise. verifyReceipt has also been throwing hundreds of errors today.
I also got it this morning (GMT+8). Does anyone know to solve the issue?
We are having the same issue. Submitted a build on Tuesday January 12th that went thru with no problems. Build that was submitted tonight now has the same rejection.

Dear Developer,
We identified one or more issues with a recent delivery for your app, "xxxxx". Please correct the following issues, then upload again. 
ITMS-90000: This bundle is invalid - $message. 
Best regards,
The App Store Team

The changes were minimal and the build process was exactly the same. The fact that nothing really changed on our end and there is $message in the email instead a valid response makes me feel like there is something going wrong on Apple's end, or some part of the process changed just today. If anyone has any other information or guesses to what it might be it's appreciated.
Same here, ITMS-90000: This bundle is invalid - $message. Previous builds uploaded without problem, but this one is getting this very vague error...
I also got it while uploading today. The previous build was fine though which we releases last week.
i also got it. how to fix it :(
same here!!
Same is happening to me
I'm facing this error too today. how to fix it ?
Possibly a bug, nothing was changed on my end.
Same experience here. I think this is an issue on Apple's side.
Sent the build about an hour ago, got the same error.
我今天传了4个包了(构建版本分别是 3650、3651、3652、3653),其中3650和3652两个包被吃掉了一样,没有邮件,testflihgt中也没有反应。然后我又上传的3651和3653 。我们就收到了如下的邮件:

Dear Developer,
We identified one or more issues with a recent delivery for your app, "某某某某" 3.6.5 (3653). Please correct the following issues, then upload again.
ITMS-90000: This bundle is invalid - $message.
Best regards,
The App Store Team

Same here!!
yes same
I uploaded the app on 01/13/2021, everything is normal until today, I got this error ITMS-90000: This bundle is invalid - $ message. Please help me.
same for me
Same thing here ITMS-90000: This bundle is invalid. Why don't they give a clear description about the specific issue with the build and any additional steps to fix it???
I got the same error just now
SAMe :(
ITMS-90000: This bundle is invalid - $message.