Signing failed: Provisioning profile "iOS Team Provisioning Profile: xx" doesn't match the entitlements file's value for the entitlement.

Hello everyone,

I'm trying to create an App Clip for my existing app (it's a multiplatform app). Now Xcode can't sign my app, and the following error appears:

Provisioning profile "iOS Team Provisioning Profile: xx" doesn't match the entitlements file's value for the entitlement.

If I don't add that row in my project's entitlement then I can sign my app but I can't upload it to App Store Connect, telling me that the value is missing.

I've tried to delete the saved profiles in my Mac and force Xcode to download them again.

I started thinking about if you can create an App Clip for a multiplatform project or even if it's a bug in Xcode 12.5 beta 3.

Does anyone experienced the same or have some suggestion to try?

Thank you!


Add the Associated Domains Entitlement
No matter which invocations you choose to support and which invocation URLs you use, you must add the Associated Domains Entitlement to the app and the App Clip targets

Perhaps try adding the associated domain to the main app as well.


Thanks for the response, you are absolutely correct. There was nothing wrong with the AASA file or the entitlements, everything works now that it's present in the AppStore. The Tester did report an additional error message having triggered the AppClip registered in App Store. She was told to upgrade to v14.3 iOS. I wonder if this caused the "Not available in country or region" error when using TestFlight.

Apple really should make this clear, I was chasing rabbits down rabbit holes for days...
Has anyone gotten this to work in Xcode 12.5 Beta 3? It seems that the success above was just reverting to Xcode 12.4.

I've filed a Feedback but don't see any "similar" reports yet. Follows here are growing. We seem to be overdue for Beta 4 or RC, and this would seem to be trouble for AppClips if not fixed or explained.
I regenerated the relevant provisioning profiles in the developer portal and then successfully built + uploaded a binary using Xcode 12.5 RC. 🎉
Thanks @bbest. Regen'ing the profiles worked for me even using Xcode 12.5 Beta 3.
On another project, my feedback case for this issue using Automatically Managed Signing, I had to add a Capability, upload, and then remove it to force regeneration of the provisioning profile. Then it uploaded without error.
I had the same error today.
I also got the ITMS-90877 and ITMS-90878 Errors.
I didn't got it working with the solutions here with 12.5 installed.
I downgraded to 12.4 and everything works well. Hopefully this helps somebody else too :)
Any Solution ?
Xcode 12.5 is now working for me as long as you regenerate the AppStore Distribution Provisioning Profile.

If you're using manual, go to the developer portal, Profiles tab, and edit/save the profile and re-download. Archive+uploading should now work without the errors.

If you're using Automatically Manage Signing, you'll need to "bump" the regeneration process. I did that in Xcode on the Project Target/Signing & Capabilities page by temporarily adding a Capability. I uploaded an archive to force the regeneration, then removed the temporary Capability, then uploaded a new build. The new build worked for me without the errors.

Again, thanks @bbest.