Observing "App needs to be updated" message when launching app on iOS 15


We are trying to test application on iOS 15 and found that we are getting this message App needs to be updated.

Can anyone please let me know the reason behind this message? Existing users will have to delete the app and install again to get rid of this alert.

We have the same issue as well. On iPad OS 15.

I'm having this issue as well. The exact same build runs fine on an iPhone running iOS 14, but doesn't open on an iPhone running iOS 15. For me, deleting and reinstalling the app does not make the error go away. I can't open my app at all.

You need to make sure your app has been build with Xcode 13. My issue was that even though I have the Xcode 13 Beta installed on my Mac, I was building my app for ad-hoc distribution using FastLane which is running Xcode 12.4. I'm going to try upgrading to Xcode 12.5 to see if that resolves my issue, but I may need to wait until my build service supports Xcode 13. No idea what you're using, but I'm building my app using Expo EAS Build. I can't link to it, but you can search their forums for "Needs to be updated" if it's relevant to you.

I am facing same issue please help me to resolve this issue as i cannot run my app on byta xcode13

Why our app are getting this alert by not others like Instagram? What is the difference?

Could this issue being caused by the usage of the UIWebView? If that’s the case then a lot of Cordova / Phonegap applications are having a problem.

I am also facing same issue, test iPA giving error saying "App needs to be updated for current iOS 15", if anyone got the fix please reply...

We have the same issue as well. On iPad OS 15 beta 5

For anyone still looking for this answer, it is because of code signing on an outdated XCode and/or MacOS. You need to upgrade to MacOS Big Sur and then update XCode to the latest version 12.5.1 (I was using 12.1 and on MacOS Catalina before).

Now to be fair, I haven't actually tested this solution just yet, but I saw many people saying this fixed their similar issue (and I noticed no one on here stated this answer).

Here is a link for the discussion I found the solution on: https://developer.apple.com/forums/thread/682775

I am facing the same issue. Apps don't launch on iOS 15 beta.

https://developer.apple.com/documentation/xcode/using-the-latest-code-signature-format According to the link above, if the CodeDirectory v value is >= 20400, it shouldn't pose an issue.

But despite the apps have CodeDirectory value as 20400, apps are not launching and it seems that Apple is forcing me to re-sign or re-build all the existing apps.

We had the same issue as well. In our case we built our project locally using Xcode 12.5.1 and we were using Fastlane and Jenkins to deploy though AppCenter. The issue was that our Fastfile specified Xcode12.4 for building on the CI pipeline. Once we updated this to Xcode12.5, we were able to install the ipa files on iOS15 devices.

Would this affect existing AppStore apps? Do we have to re-sign and update the build for AppStore apps as well? Could anyone give an answer. If that is the case, Apple has not managed this well I would say.

I found that the error goes away by using a fresh bundle identifier and signing with a new provisioning profile.

Xcode 12.x is enough and the build works fine on ios 15.

Not a solution obviously, but works until apple fixes this.

I was getting this on an enterprise app built with Xcode 12.4 on Catalina.

I rebuilt with Xcode 12.4 on an M1 Mac with Big Sur and the app now opens fine on iOS15.

I used automatic signing on both - so it wasn't an issue with manual signing for me.

I was and still am targeting iOS13 btw - the Xcode 12.4 on Big Sur doesn't have the iOS15 options that come with Xcode 13.

I just compiled the code on Xcode 13 and it worked for me.

I'm having this issue as well for Adhoc distribution with Automatic manage signing turned on. I built on my MacBook running Catalina (10.15.7) and Xcode v12.3 but with the Command Line Tools of Xcode 11.3.1.

Help, I keep getting pop-ups saying that my apps "First Rule Fireplace" and "Clock - Modern deskclock with nightstand mode" (Apple TV calls it "the clock") need to be updated by their developers to work with my tvOS on my Apple TV account. They pop up regardless of whether I leave and reenter my account and sign out and in again. Can someone fix these problems please? Thank you.

Help, I keep getting pop-ups saying that my apps "First Rule Fireplace" and "Clock - Modern deskclock with nightstand mode" (Apple TV calls it "the clock") need to be updated by their developers to work with my tvOS on my Apple TV account. They pop up regardless of whether I leave and reenter my account and sign out and in again. Can someone fix these problems please? Thank you.

Observing "App needs to be updated" message when launching app on iOS 15